Vijana wa Turkana wamekuwa incited na nani.
Wameblock ma tanker za Prime move citing insecurity in the area
Na si hivi tu ndio vita ya Nigeria na Sudan na kwingineko zilianza. Tudisruption tudogo, tu fight kidogo… ikakuwa full blown war. Nigeria walichapana vibaya sana biafran war juu ya hii upus. Mnaona mafuta ikitoka area yenyu lakini hamkui na hamuishi kama Qatar ama Kuwait. Vijana wa Boko Haram hawakuanza terrorism na story ingine; ni kuona resource inatoka imeenda ndio hio hata imepanda boat mnabikishiwa ma pollution pekee na ufukara… wakasema fuck this b.s.
Hata kama mafuta ya Kenya sio mingi don’t take people for idiots ati because they live in manyattas they don’t know shit.
serikali isiende na kifua ati watume the army, that Wil worsen the situation the best thing ninkuelewana na locals si kupush early export bila kuelewana na locals
You create insecurity and then go ahead to claim there’s insecurity… just like during the elections when some people tried to cite their own created insecurity as the reason why voting did/could not take place.
The only reason mnajengewa barabara ni ndio mafuta ibebwe vizuri, the first time you see adequate security is when the oil is guarded not you.
Make people feel like kenyans first before claiming what is beneath them is kenyan oil
Lakini they are idiots already, killing each other over cows and goats. If they start killing each other for mafuta it will just be another day for us as we chill.
I worked in Tirana 4yrs ago, hao wajamaa told me ati they will match firepower ya serikali if need be, nikaona hapa lazima a foreign intelligence serv8ce must be involved
Its simple 20% of oil revenue goes to Turkana county and that they know will be decided by governor and county assembly. 5% goes to locals within 20kms radius of oil fields. Hii ndio shida, who is getting this money? So MCA and leaders from no where want to claim it. The locals have said wahesabiwe na kila mtu apewe yake kwa account ata kama ni 10,000. Now boundaries isn’t about wards or county but who is local or not. Neighbours are turning against each other.
Sometimes I tend to think hii serikali ata hiyo firepower haina.If it has things to do with cattle rustling and other thuggery stuffs hatungesikia.Besides that they have substandard armoury,one was telling me there was a time they were issued with guns that become hot after firing several rounds.Mark you saa hiyo Mary Wambui ashalipwa juu ya kuleta micinga haifai.
Nip it in the bud before Turkana becomes another Niger Delta.
Who came up with that ambiguous idea?
Hapo kwa boko haram badilisha na Niger Delta Avengers
How did you miss this news, its been a long drawn out negotiations for the last 3 years between locals, county and national government. They didn’t want oil to be extracted until they benefit directly from it unlike Nigeria. So the negotiations centred on the % each get. National government gets 70% (60% for development projects-5% for Nema to rehabilitate the land after extraction & 5% for sovereign wealth fund), 20% to Turkana county for development only, 5% for the locals within 20kms radius. However they were to set up an wealth advisor committee to collect views, plan and execute their collective investment/needs. That agreement after all agreed was signed by all leaders in Turkana at State House. Its only then that the oil production can begin.
That 5% is the issue, the beneficiaries are unclear. For starters this is a nomadic community in a sparsely populated area
Sema PRIMEFUELS. Saddafff!
Its not ambiguous, its was agreed their share will be held in trust now. Next year 2019 national biometric census will determine the true numbers of locals wherever they are in Kenya. For now they are supposed to meet to form a committee. The committee will pick a Trust fund manager to oversee their money and the committee supervises them. So they will see what national government does for them, same to county. Whatever remains they can use their funds to do it themselves. The problem here is MCA, overnight community leaders and selfishness are all trying to cut corners than implement this plan. Its just pure greed.
Nasikia kulala aki,world cup imeniumiza …PrimeFuels
Sawa, acha tungoje tuone
Who said the government want’s the thuggery to be eradicated, the thuggery you see is all political, fed by politicians and senior government administrators to intimidate anyone peddling alternative political view. See what happened to MRC and Mungiki when the government got serious.