One thing you have to appreciate about westerners is the professionalism they put into their work .Angalia sasa kama hii biashara ya haka kamama vile the operation behind her is huge .
Of course it starts with one camera but to get to the next level and build a sustainable business in the long term ,such investments in people and equipment lazima .
Do you watch Fresh and Fit? Those guys invested heavily in a studio about a year ago. They had like 1k subscribers back then. A year later they have over 450k subs. Its one of the fastest growing channels I have seen.
They have monetized every aspect of it and are making dough hand over fist.
I dont watch them but I know the channel .I think the ROI to outside investors is very attractive because you can go from 5k subs to more than a million in less than year .
For short form videos za tiktok and instagram ,there are companies that finance/manage those influencers .They put them up in crib in LA ,have a creative team and kazi ni ku churn tens of videos a day .
African content creators are starting to learn this.
I give it around 10 years and the content from the continent will dominate the internet.
What of metaverse?
Then there is this one. I started watching her when she had 20k subscribers saizi ako level yake.
Ule mwenye inabidi apewe heshima when it comes to this YT sector ni MKBHD. Dude has a team working in his studio, and all are white mofos.
Even that I predict black people will dominate.
Just look at how we’re the face of entertainment everywhere ,music ,sports ,Social media.
Kwanza we’ll probably produce a VR MetaVerse Khaby Lame
Finally somethimg you can’t wrap your head around
Khaby is actually the face of Metaverse as we’re speaking. The commercial vid for Metaverse featured him, or rather starred him. Safe to say boy aliingiza mamilioni kwa iyo deal. I say more power to him.
Metaverse is set to replace the internet ergo youtube.
Youtube will be irrelevant in the world of the metaverse because creators will own their own portals and content.
Just a little info you quickly looked up on the internet.
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Nimekuambia zuckerberg made a 1 hour presentation last month. Ama shida iko wapi. Lakini hii maringo utawacha.
Maringo. Utapunguza.
There was one guy I used to follow. He says he spends $10k a month on marketing costs alone for his YouTube channel. But a pretty successful one. There’s tonnes of money to be made on content creation.
Safe to say Google will rush and create its own version of meta
Which opportunities are there for less resource endowed people like me? Is content creation the the in-thing in current digital spaces?
which kama kawaida will fail
Hii metaverse ni hype tu bonobos wamejoin. It will just be a niche thing. Sio vile mnachocha hapa.
Haka kawoma kalianza tu hivi hivi pale facebook, she has really moved mountains