Heshimu wanawake bana!

Poa sana

@sure sure

Na baby mama wangu alizaa moja akakuwa rotund.

FEMINIST detected.


Nice toned body. Ni vyenye tu hiyo kiuno yake sio flexible. Hiyo miguu ni kama imepigiliwa kwa hips na misumari. If she could learn how to move her waist, hiyo ni mwili sawa sana

slow down sloowwww down

Kunguru ya nairofi ikizaa Moja hatuwezi pumzika

Shifo this was not the norm back in the day. How many children did your grandmother give birth to? Both mine almost a dozen consequently I have millions of kazos. It is my generation imekwama with 1 or 2. Those with three are an exception. Kuzaa sio shida sana, I hear once the baby pops out the pain disappears immediately. Kubeba is the work…the damage to a woman’s body is horrendous. The opportunistic illnesses like vomiting, heartburn, constipation, swollen feet aiiiiiiii.
Kulea is fun especially if you have any support and it is cute to watch the different milestones…

Huyo ni mwalimu wa sunday school


Matusi ni ya nini ndugu yangu?

My grandmother had almost twenty

Wapi huko?

Na walikua wanapambana na infant mortality. One of mine had 2 sets of twins.

True. They were very strong. But good natural diet and manual work enabled them to keep this fit.

Trudat. My grandma used to tell us horror stories. Kuchota maji at the river na mtoto hapa mbele na mitungi on her back. Our generation is so spoilt. Mboches, mama nguo, washing machine, dishwasher, ready made food kwa supermarkets, wifi, flexible working patterns…actually we should be popping out babies like rabbits hahahaha.

I mean in the West the gava can step in with a lot of help ukilemewa so what is to stop walalo here from getting 10 of them? and that is what they were doing until David Cameron aka conservatives came into power and then there was capping in terms of housing and benefits. Zaa kabsa but we can only give you a 3 bed. Back in the day the gava could actually demolish 2 neighbouring houses and make them one huge one for these walalos…

having that many kids is selfish banae… they won’t get the necessary care , attention & love …mtakuwa distant to each other