All Kibaki-era billionaires will be choked out and thrown back in the hole kabla Gatheca aende nyumbani. Hataki compee kwa Kenyatta family.
Kijana ya Murang’a just thought of a better idea to help Kenyans beat Msoto and mid month crisis… Than the punitive Fuliza…
Just when his product was about to be launched… And it would have finished Fuliza… Suddenly DCI get interested in his matters… Suddenly, Kijana ya Murang’a who has brought financial revolution to millions in Africa through Equity Bank… Is now rushing to Court to stop DCI from arresting him…
I’m sure the Azimio Blockheads can’t see the link between him bringing an innovation that was to kill Fuliza… And his harassment… They will soon start calling James Mwangi… The Icon… Eti Muizi and Jambasi…
And insult you if you tell them that it’s State Capture…