Herp Manifestation? akina Dr. Luther

Now this fine lady i have been eying just showed up for a lunch date… what strikes me is the a cold sore on her upper lip corner… I have seen on numerous gossip sites the sighting of herp on lips of celebs like Rhianna and Iggy azalea… i know herpes is very prevalent and like 70% of the sexually active folks have it… question is…are cold sore a tell for hsv1 or hsv2 infection… I live to protect my ding dong…

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This is not a gossip site

Ur probably high on mutura smoke… gossip sites put pics of herp like manifestations on celebs… the like of tmz or mediatakeout… i was mentioning them as a way to back my research on the same… can a real Dr… give me pointers… not the likes of wakanyama who sell… roadkill to unsuspecting Kenyans.


Where is the lady as you write this? AMA mko date na mume form whatsapp group ukamu add ndio mchat kabla food ifike?


whoa! …roadkill hasnt killed your ‘unsuspecting kenyans’ …but your drag-in got herpes, son


Omera its 2:15 lunch dates occur in between 12:00 to 1:30…

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Looking at ur profile pic you probly have herp bruh…

Usijali. Wewe Ni wa outs pekee lakini mtaro Ina Mwenyewe. Next date Ni Feb end month. Mambo yako hivyo.

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Mimi ni daktari kutoka kondele
Picha ndio hio.[ATTACH=full]29411[/ATTACH]

Dwy fwy

I read somewhere that 80% of the human population has that type of Herpes… always use a condom and do not let her give you a BJ. Or just forgo the sex if you are doubtful… be choosy.

Queer virus that one. Seems it spreads fast and easily. Now that even kids are becoming sexually active more earlier, it’s possible there are lots of them with Herpes too. So Herpes rules the world.


Heaven Shall Burn - Beyond Redemption.

,, /

Cold sores – also called fever blisters – are a painful infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). These blisters are usually caused by HSV type 1, but can less commonly be due to HSV type 2. They may show up anywhere on the body, but are most likely to appear on the outside of mouth and lips, nose, cheeks, or fingers. Blisters form, then break and ooze; a yellow crust or a scab develops and eventually sloughs off, revealing new skin underneath. The sores usually last 7 to 10 days and are contagious until they crust over completely.

Ninety percent of all people get at least one cold sore in their life. This first occurrence is often the worst. After the first infection, many people develop antibodies and never have another cold sore.

Although cold sores generally are not serious, the infection may be life-threatening for anyone who has AIDS or whose immune system is depressed by other disorders or medications. Patients with severe eczema may also get HSV over large parts of the body.

The infection from a cold sore may cause blindness if it spreads to the eye, and menigitis or encephalitis if it spreads to the brain.

Cold sores are usually caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1, which is transmitted by such forms of contact as kissing an infected person or sharing eating utensils, towels, or razors. Genital herpes is usually caused by herpes simplex virus type 2. A person with a cold sore who performs oral sex on another person can give that person genital lesions with HSV-1. Similarly, a person who performs oral sex on another person with genital HSV-2 lesions can develop oral lesions.

Sores may develop as late as 20 days after exposure to the virus. Once the virus enters a body, it may emerge near the original site of entry. About two days before an attack you may experience itching or sensitivity at the site. The virus may be triggered by certain foods, stress, fever, colds, allergies, sunburn, and menstruation.

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Hapa sijaona possibility ya hizi sores ikiwa attributed to ukimwi, kwa nini?