Senior elders and I mean senior, please I need help. There is this my regular service provider whom I have taken through proper vetting and certification programs, confirmed save and healthy and therefore have been dry frying for the last two years. To avoid getting paged, I had taken her to some expensive muhindi gynae in Westlands who inserted a coil and it has helped us in the last two years. Two weeks ago she started complaining of excessive period accompanied by pain in her netter regions. We visited the gynae and he removed the coil and asked us to play save for the next two months then go back for another coil. Now here is the problem, from that day, every time I go in, abdala comes out badly bruised. I have used various lubricants event though my babe usually gets wet before I climb but even with the best lubricant I still get bruised. Elders what is the problem and what is the solution?
Hehe…searching for a solution in this problematic kijiji…you will end up compounding your issues with sickening advice from wanavijijij…they only know about lanyez and dryfry…nothing beyond that…i would advice get professional counsel from a qualified medical consultant/practitioner…hawa wanadangurous watakupoteza, ujikute riverroad brothels.
First things first, there is a difference in meaning between save and safe,
Second, your whoring shenanigans are of no value to this village and its Sunday morning for God’s sake.
Consequences of using artificial family planning. Low libido etc. Ladies here is the evidence that your body does not need these FP, they just spoil your good reproductive system adi ufike menopause at 35 when women are able to get pg at 50 bcz Hawa kutumia hizi vitu artificial za FP.
Zaeni kwanza…hizo vitu huleta madhara mingi kwa mwanamke in later years. Just practice withdrawal method…but make sure umekojoa na umeosha after every njoti.
This is only for experienced former nduthi masters ie. Experience in controlling ejaculation required.
MGTOW= FREEDOM…the gods are giving you the final warning,you are about to get royally fucked!!!
Being stuck with a post wall kunguru ghaseer,a cocktail of venereal diseases and a child isn’t a good idea,run when you still can.
The doctor using a special soft plastic pipe inserts the coil slowly deep into the uterus ensuring that the T-shaped ends of the coil touches the roof of the uterus thus closing the fallopian tubes and hence will create a deflection surface for the spermatozoa effectively diverting their sojourn and making them incapable of reaching the fallopian tubes or fertilizing the ova.