I need the below drugs in wholesale,if you can supply kindly inbox me[ATTACH=full]380864[/ATTACH]
Watu ya pilau ndio hawa.
Hii ni ya conversions?
Rohypnol is used in the short-term treatment of insomnia, as a pre-medication in surgical procedures and for inducing anesthesia. It is also know as Date Rape drug.
niaje DCI?
Who do you wanna rape?
Kama uko nayo ama unajua vile naeza ipata cheza kama wewe tunukishe kitunguu
Endea pale kiambu DCI headquarters. Kuna mingi ziko kwa efidence.
Somebody’s about to get roofied
Murang’a you ought to be very ashamed of yourself. You once posted here that you run a fruit juice stand near Kenyatta University if I am not wrong.
No prices for guessing where you are going with this request…
Waaaaah Kenyans yawaaaaa.:mad:
NikuInbox namba utume Pesa kwanza kama unaniamini?
Unataka what quantity? To be delivered via G4S or Wells Fargo
:eek::eek: maheni?
Murang’a umeshindwa kutongoza madem sasa umeamua rape sio? Hope udinye ule ako na kaswende aiponi
Ti maheni ni ma…am pretty sure I read something on those lines from him. If I put some effort into it, nitapata hiyo thread ni vile I detest the thread cemetery sana.
I saw some young women on Kagoni, TUKO and on DJ McDee narrating how they used to drug rich men in clubs…yaani without batting an eyelid.:mad:
Murang’a pls tell me I am mistaking you for someone else.
Kuri andu makahia macure. That is so evil.
Nîatîa kairetu?
Hi kwega muno wa nyumba.