I an generally a Christian because it was hardwired into my brain from birth though I do get moments nowadays where I question religion a lot but that is a story for another day. However, a concept that I find makes absolutely no sense is the idea of hell. I have many friends who are properly atheist and agnostic but they are good people. I have my moments of weakness where I see Christianity and Bible events dont make sense but I am a very kind and empathetic person who likes helping people.
So unless a maniacal, sadistic God exists, then hell does not. There is simply no justification for torturing anybody for eternity, not even Hitler, let alone people who donât believe in the âcorrectâ religion in their lifetime. Makes zero sense. Hell is just a tool to keep people in check. You have to be a total clown to believe that there is a lake of fire somewhere where you might end up for eternity even for the most mundane of sins. Nilicheki talker mwingine akisema ati huko wanacheza mangoma ya Rihanna kukumbusha watu nikazima internet hiyo siku na kucheka tu. Comical to say the least.
But why do you trust your brain to make good decisions? Thatâs the problem. It makes no sense why you would have confidence in such a seriously flawed piece of organic matter which you donât even know how it really works. Since you have been on this earth walking around inside your body for a few decades, that means youâve had plenty of time to touch it and know exactly how it works, right?
If your brain (thatâs bound for disease, decay and death) cannot understand that which is always with you, then why would you place any assurance in it on a subject that is so severe as your eternal destination? When I think of eternity, I think of the vast expanse of the universe, the speed of light and advanced quantum physics etc, topics which are far beyond what my puny mind can comprehend. Yet that cosmos that is beyond imagination DOES exist whether my tiny earth mind can fathom it or not. I would rather base my decisions on something thatâs much bigger and more solid than myself. FYI, hell continues to exist and willing it out of your conscience by making such outrageous statements did nothing to âmake it go away.â
The video below is the account of an avowed atheist (Howard Storm) who died briefly and went to hell. God gave him a second chance on earth so hear what he has to say. Mind you, he was a hardcore ATHEIST but when he came out of his medical emergency he became a born again Christian!
This one here is a video of Tyrone, who by the sound of it was probably a thug from the âhood.â Tyrone was involved in a car accident, died briefly and before his physical body was medically resuscitated, his soul had slipped out and veered into the depths of hell. Tyrone is now a Christian minister of the Gospel because of the very real horrors which he saw on the other side. No one does such a 180 degree turn on lifestyle based on mere imagination.
If you can understand the origin of life > 2,000 years ago and how the complex living things body system coordinates and works, Utajua there is a superior power somewhere who is responsible, Na huyo ndiye ninamwita Mwenyezi Mungu muumba wa ardhi, mbingu na vyote vilivyomo.
Iâve never seen any advanced modern scientist manufacture new male and female creatures which never existed before, attach all vital organs including the brain, fluids then see them multiply independently. Ingekua binadamu ndiye responsible, hatungekua tukifa, weâd renew and modify ourselves to live eternally.
Apes will always remain apes, ants will remain ants.
I do sin several times in a day but Mimi hutafakari, hutubu na kumuomba msamaha kimoyomoyo.
After Jesus died on the cross, His soul descended to hell in order to take away the keys of death, hell and the grave which were in satanâs possession because of the fall of Adam and Eve. All of Godâs people, since Adam, who died before the coming of Jesus were held up in Hades but Jesus went there and rescued them.
Matthew 12:40. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
Ephesians 4:8-10. Therefore it says, âWhen he ascended on high he led a host of captives,
and he gave gifts to men.â[B]9[/B](In saying, âHe ascended,â what does it mean but that he had also descended into the lower regions, the earth?[B]10[/B]He who descended is the one who also ascended far above all the heavens, that he might fill all things.)
Once you are deadâŚyou are dead. Here is a quote from the good book that confirms so.
Ecclesiastes 3:19 Surely the fate of human beings is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath; humans have no advantage over animals. Everything is meaningless.
Pia mimi last year i died temporarily. Nikaenda heaven na angel flani, Nikakunywa honey and milk kwa glistening background. alafu nikaambiwa lazima nipitie hell. apo sasa ilikuwa kishash na Hennessey kwa wingi aiisee
Hell is real and anything outside Jesus will burn in hell, atheist are going to hell agnostics are going to hell all faiths not Jesus inclined are religion of damnation. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only savior, there is no grey area either you going to heaven or hell, thatâs hardcore redpill reality that you must acceptâŚ
OK bro. Christians make up about 31% of the population in the world. So effectively what you are saying is 70% of the world will go to hell, guaranteed, then sasa out of the remaining christians tuseme 20% make it to heaven. So approximately 90% of the human population is headed for damnation ama?
Yes majority are going to hell broad is the way that leads to hell and many are found in this road narrow is the way that leads to heaven few very few are found in this road it is reality all we sinners must come to terms withâŚGod does not care about numbersâŚ
I dont think that makes sense. Even if you made it to heaven, would you enjoy your time there knowing some of your friends, family are in eternal damnation? I do not know about that.
I am sure sometimes you sleep and you donât dream but all of a sudden you wake up and it is morning and you cannot imagine where you were when asleep. I think that offers a clue of how it will be when we die. Or better still you will return to the state that you were before you were born i.e Nothingness. Anyway, still praying that God gives me insight into this stuff because I am a fallible human afterall.