
While at uni it seemed like free money for drinking,buying clothes and appliances.First forward to working world a penalty of 60k every year you dont pay .It is linked to credit reference bureau so you cant access loans if you haven’t been paying.Some employers will require a clearance certificicate or proof that youve been paying.My advice to beneficiaries pay even if it is 500 bob per month via mpesa.Ive got friends who took 150 k total but are now having about 500k to pay and helb has caught up and they are having their payslips raided.

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si mchezo…either kulipa deni ama kuishi kwa shimo

I wish singechukua hiyo loan. Yote iliisha kwa pombe


so im not alone

Thank God sijapata ii stuff

And you see nowadays Idiots going on strike demanding disbursement of Hleb loans, as if they are being given a grant.

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Wacha wapewe, how I wish the same can apply to rent defaulters.
I mean, states uki default kulipa rent, hesabu mbua tano kabla hujaona apartment ya ku-rent, or anything that needs credit.

lipa deni :D:D

I usually mpesa them something small monthly…mtu wa biz kama mimi loan kwangu ni kama matiti na bra

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ukiona ukiona matiti uyaulize wameacha bra wapi?

Watu walipe madeni za HELB hata kama ni kidogo kidogo. Tuwape wenzetu nafasi ya kusoma pia.


Mimi hawes lipa. Wenye wameweka billions Switzerland warudishe kwanza.

That reminds me, I need to collect my clearance certificate.