Hekaya ya ulevi, malaya na kulishwa mchele

This was in 2015 August. I was on a long break kazini and so decided to do some side hustle which was paying well. Job yenyewe ilikuwa ya gava and it involved being accommodated somewhere in Kiambu for like 3 weeks ivi, with everything catered for. Kabla ya kuenda kufanya hio job I decided to refresh myself hapa kule as I reflect on the tiresome weeks I had at my workplace. So this sato, I met with my nigga Izo in town after my errands of doing the logistics for the job that was to commence the following week. Izo is a former secondary school buddy, though alichujwa kabla amalize juu ya umang’aa mingi (story for another day). That sato, the dude was stressed like a motherfucker juu bibi aliamua kujiondoa na mtoi and all the things she had bought kwa hio nyumba. From my assessment, boy wangu ndio alikuwa na kosa but as an old buddy I decided to invite him to join me for a drink in tao as I console him. Tulikuwa apo samba brazilia tukikunywa summit lager then tuingie Florida baadaye tuoshe macho (nilikuwa nakunywa summit juu there was this claim then that haileweshi sana na haina hangy juu its sugar free). Suddenly, I received a call from one of my uncles inviting me for a drink or 2. We had to cancel plans za florida na before long were in a komarock bound matatu heading to club Wallet uko komarock. I told Izo asijali the meeting with my uncles wouldnt be for long and we would sample some whores wale ujianika hapo opposite Nyama Villa. Tuliendelea kubugia tembo and by 10 PM we decided that it was time to go empty our balls on those kungurus. Instead of going direct to make selections and fuck, tuliamua kwanza tuende umoja kuvuta weed kwake ituchangamshe ndio tuende kutombana. Smoking weed before such rampage was always a ritual for us kabla tuende pipeline ama town kudinyana hadi asubuhi (those escapades deserve their own hekaya). Since we were already drunk, weed ilitubeba times 10 na tukabaki ata tumekatsiana so I decided to head to my place. However, akili bado ilikuwa inafikiria tu kudinyana juu hatukutimiza vile tulipanga. Kidogo mimi huyo hadi Harry’s Tavern kuona kama naeza kuangukia pussy nikiskiza rumba kiasi. I went upstairs and sat at the counter where I could sample all sizes of kungurus that were making trips to and from the washrooms. Given that nilikuwa bado naendeleza ulevi, zilinishika ata zaidi and I remember cursing my bottle nikiitupia mkono after spilling beer on my lap. Kando yangu on the right nikaskia sauti iko na a heavy okuyu accent ikiniambia “usiboeke.” Wacha kwanza nipige puff ya shash nikikarabati hio part 2 wadau…

Withdraw this rubbish hekaya,

"(nilikuwa nakunywa summit juu there was this claim then that haileweshi sana na haina hangy juu its sugar free). " Sijui mbona nacheka…
Umeenda ulevi halafu… aiyayayaya,… Chieth, sema tu wewe ni band moja

Kama huwezi post hekaya yote in one thread uwache umeffi. Sina time ya kusoma part 2 etc. People have other things to do apart from reading your garbage stories

Kubabako I was wide awake n reading this chieth has now made me very sleepy.

hiyo part two jiwekee utaambia mama nguo ukimdinya kesho!!! hapana jaza server na chieth haina ladha

Ata usilete part 2, kwisa toseka

hii ni nini

Aiiieeeee wee buda endeleza hekaya utakatizia aje ikielekea climax


paragraph ur work
nimeachia hapo we were in a matatu headed to komarock

ahsandeni talkers sijasoma huo upuss

taka taka

Asante sana kuweka hii hekaya nilikuwa nimesahau

@Jizman mbona unatuangusha finish the story

hekaya za loliondo funda

bure kabisa