HEAVY Floods In Sudan Destroy Thousands Of Homes

Thousands of homes have been damaged in Sudan after torrential rains caused heavy flooding, with many streets in the capital Khartoum deep in water, AFP correspondents said Sunday.
Heavy rains usually fall in Sudan from June to October, and the country faces severe flooding every year, wrecking properties, infrastructure, and crops.
In Atbara, a city in Sudan’s north-east, the official news agency SUNA reported that a number of houses had “collapsed” due to the heavy rains.
On Thursday, the UN’s humanitarian agency OCHA said some 12,000 people in eight out of the country’s 18 states had been affected.


“Over 800 homes have reportedly been destroyed and over 4,400 homes damaged,” the UN said.
Last year, heavy rains forced Sudan to declare a three-month state of emergency, after flooding affected at least 650,000 people, with over 110,000 homes damaged or destroyed.
In 2020, the Blue Nile – which joins the White Nile in the Sudanese capital Khartoum – floodwater swelled the river to its highest level since records began over a century ago.


I’m starting to believe @Purple . These are the end times

No. Dont beleive those cults and sects

Hata huko saudi arabia mambo mbaya.





It never used to be like this before

True. Mpaka they are now having snow in saudi.


Unless you have been living under the rock this kind of stuff always happens


Sudan gani tunaongelelea?

@Purple ni devo woshipa mambo yake wachana nayo.

There’s a CNN guy who admitted that the next global crisis after Covid to be unleashed by the powers that be will be climate change.

Things will be so bad that people will gladly accept the new world order in a desperate bid to find safety and security.

I think we are very close to the unveiling of the anti Christ.