south c just now. loud and heavy bangs with what sounded like gunfire lasting five to ten minutes…anyone with any info?
@Meria Mata
Should give a warning to public
hehe nilikuwa na dara dame hapo hilton time ya fireworks
whats the celebration for?
I have no idea. Just landed on it via telegram
is it New Year in the CBD?
Wewe ni jirani wangu south c?
Nanyonyea boobs side ya kilimani mbona sijaskia?
I thought wewe ni Runda/Karen/Lavington material juu you dont relate to most stuff…kumbe ni chocha
Having a hard time to relate
blessings have been announced. the year is over. Praise GOD
ngoja uskie price ya hizo fireworks… kukula nyama
hiyo ni testing testing ya new year? i think it’s time we appeared on CNN like other cities around the world. we are not smallwigs on this continent…
why is times tower like the leaning tower of pisa?
They are lighting up KICC with Xmas colours
Haven’t people panicked in town, even the music in some pub wasn’t loud enough to drown the deafening sound of fireworks.