Come back? Hii najiskia kuweka bet…Wacha nicheki odds
History will be made tonight…come back from 3 nil…fcuk the odds thot we…C… were the underdogs…for 3 games straight
No NBA team has ever made a come back to win a series outta 150 come play off games… BUT
BOSTON CELTICS are different! They’re WINNING #Game 7.
Hard…but yes tonight…let’s go Celtics…but I may bet the other way…still not sure…
I hate betting against my team…but I can do it…but won’t…Celtics got my money…bring me some
Kimeturamba…ended up not betting…was too conflicted
game 6 was so intense than game 7…leo celtics looked unmotivated in all 4 quarters
The best team lost.
:D:D As a Laker fan, Sande sana Miami for not letting Celtics make history. We would have never heard the end of this.