When someone like kibicho (ironically his name means a slightly blind person) utters such words, you can bet that @Baaba loses a chunk of undecided voters.
He should just shut the furck up.
Not too long ago a cabinet secretary said “we will rig”. Another cabinet secretary in charge of IT infrastructure said “We will work closely with Baba to monitor the results”. Yet another cabinet secretary said “We (CSs and PSs) are behind you Baba”. Now this. These people are preparing us psychologically, tusiseme hatukujua.
Hapo Sasa. Conditioning mapema but that Man’s RAO doesn’t need rigging it’s just votes that need to be guarded. WSR also has machinery for rigging so that needs to be prevented.
Pigeni kelele. Mjigambe and pia ongeeni vile mnataka. In the next two months and few days, we will be here insha’Allah and the lion of Sugoi will be the fifth president. Wanna bet? Uuh!