When I got my first job, my boss said, “ukiona watu Nairobi wakiwa na pesa, usijilinganishe. You never know vile wanazipata.” This statement rings every time I see such cases. Probably this guys runs a network that provides vifaranga to the high and mighty who in turn respond in kind by providing lucrative deals. But before atume kwa clientele pia yeye hagwes mind kuonja… #sick
Jesus F Christ!!!
Some people are beyond help.
I was watching a documentary about serial killers juzi. Some of them were being interviewed from prison and when asked why they did it, they say they have no idea but just felt compelled to do it.
Then there was that Senior Canadian General who was commander of one of canada’s largest airforce bases. He ruined his career cause felt compelled to break into womens houses, rape them while taking pictures, and then steal their underwear and bras which he liked wearing in his house
Yani hii dunia watu wako na shida.
Pedophiles need to have their dicks cut off then beheaded isis style if the former does not kill them
Hii ni ile ngamia inaitwa Joel, should be castrated! Blarychieth
The case will probably die. This nation only jails poor criminals. Rich ones live on and on and on.
Ask Julius Sunkuli’s victims.
Kienyeji. Its insidious. He got kids from his poorer relations and sexually abused them with the warning that they’d go back to poverty if they talked
@uwesmake kuja patia Sisi kinaga ubaga. Naskia rafikiyo in crime ameshikwa akipiga mitoto anda-age kende.
Ndio hii umbwa ilikuwa ikidinya watoto wake. Joel kyata.[ATTACH=full]234517[/ATTACH]
Kuna mambo zingine team building is the only solution. Children must be protected by everybody
Mbaya saidi
Hawa tungeletewa uhuru park tunawafanyia team building Sunday saa nane
very sad day for kenya
Not from that region again. There is another one from the same region, a very rich and prominent one, who is known to intentionally infect young girls. I have seen his name mentioned in one of the comments above. One of the victims is a young lady from nakuru
na watoto ndo wamekua defiled, labda ata wanaprefer asemwe
This is wrong on every level.
si useme jina …unaogopa nini nkt !
Anyways…were they his blood children or adopted ?
That editor is a fucking coward. Either that, or she is a fucking liar.
If the lawyer was (1)arrested (2) on suspicion for defamation, if the editor revealed the name of the lawyer and the lawyer sued for defamation, then all that nation would have to is plead the defence of justification - that it was merely reporting the facts as they were. They are not saying he actually did what he is alleged to have done. They are just saying that he was arrested for being suspected to have done it. There is a difference.
But if they can’t verify even the fact of his arrest or reasons therefor…they are liars or they have just been paid.
chief ni nini hii umeandika ? mzae kama wewe hawezi kuwa defiled .
Sasa huyo jamaa ameharibu hata the extended family.