Blunder ya kwanza unapiga picha ukiwa umevaa Tsho ya a RIP ya beshte wako who was gunned down sm time back, Blunder No. 2 mmechafua meza and by the look of yr faces u are unemployed and not related to Waiguru…hio pesa ilitoka wapi?
Pic No. 2: when u caption such a pic with words like —> Ndio kujipa moraley kabla kuenda hussle…una expect watu wa assume hio hussle ni legit? SMH
Pic 1 the guy on the left… check his left cheek vile taxin imefura? yaani jaba zinanasa hadi zinawaonyesha wajipeane hivi? hawa watafanyiwa vile maUki… buh 4 real where have folks gone wrong in raising these trigger happy wannabe thugz?
Some are encoraged by the peros,during interview moja ya King Kaffu on Citizen TV he states that some parents due 2 poverty encourage watoi kuiba…ati unapata mzazi anauliza boy mbona usikuwe kama fulani ama fulani mind u that fulani is a known thief and brings home mbesha to peroz
Most disappear without a trace after being picked up in a probox at 3:00am. I hear they cry for their mothers before being put down.Its the sadness of life indeed.
hata mchana hio probox uwaokota never to be seen again. Alafu kitu ingine b4 bn killed by the probox occupants wanaambiwa waseme their accomplices…they taja them all thinking they will be set fre bt wapi
Nairobi half life gave a summary of what happens to this guys. most of them usually have a lifespan of around 3 years (if they are lucky) because their masters always need new fishes.
Thugs wa 2010s onward sio wasmart kama akina wanugu na kiriamiti of the 80s. Some wanabe thugs frm githu 45 facebooked a pic with dollars allover after a heist in muthaiga with their auto location on. Waliokotwa after one hr
By the way you should do an audit of guys you don’t know on facebook, that’s where they sometimes scout for target’s especially guys who are always on floss mode. Pictures of cars, inside the house etc.
ni sababu motivation ya kuiba si kama ya kina wanugu na shimoli who wanted to ensure their families lived comfy hawa wanaiba wa happen kwa clubs na Naivasha hiyo ni hewa moto