Having sex with a workmate

Yep,true buda.Nilianzia top tier kuvukishana border wewe ukitumana za mathree na uber,hatuko meza moja,kalisha matako hapo kiasi:cool::cool::cool:

Hapo ndo inaishia anyway.
Wacha peer presha we na wewe.

It’s unwise to do so

A red flag

Hii ndo sasa uitwa ujinga. unatuma fare ndo uletewe kuma, si ungelipa ata lanye

Mboch umekubaliwa kukula. Mimba ndo usipeane. Game shot

She wanted to divide your salary. Most of the time, ni pesa yako itatumiwa

Eat those lanyes you see on the street. Eat those mboch you house. Then eat food meant for adults.

Having sex with a workmate is forbidden, eating out another man’s wife is a crime!

Tupe hekaya mkuu…

Na sisi pia…:D:D

Je kutafuna my employees? Juu kuna mmoja anadhani mimi ni babake :D:D

Saa zingine kanadai kuni hug. What happened to my hungry days? Nawaza tu

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Piga MTU kuni

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Sina hekaya

Kama ni huko Bidenstan you did the right thing. Hao wanawake wangemaliza career yako through metoo.

:D:D niyajiingiza kwa stress

Kuna boy wangu anaishi kitengela in a gated community which is in the middle of nowhere. Since iko mbali…most home owners bring bulk shopping when they come from work. Meaning ma mboch wako kwa estate 24/7…so kuna watchie wa mchana ameona opportunity. Anabomoa hao ma mboch mchana. One watchie eating like 4 mboches na wote wanajua. Yeye huenda kufukisha threshold when the mboches are alone. Wenye hao wameenda job na watoi wako chuo so they are left alone. My buddy told me huyo watchie hawabembelezangi. Anawaulizanga unakuja ama hukuji. Ukijifanya kuna mwingine ako tayari kugawa cargo. Lucky bastard.


Tafutia @spike nafasi huko banae

Sikulagi kuma imetemewa hadi mate ya taxin. Saingine jipe kaheshima kiasi. Besides ,like i said ,pesa haikua shida so sioni muwasho yako hapo

Zero grazing ni rabia mbaya. It can result in an awkwardness that cannot be resolved. There is a ninja who works with the wife and a colleague he chewed. Huyu jamaa ni shida tu ako nazo.

Hiyo ni sheria ya polisi force…but raia jinga wanalimana hadi ndani ya ofisi.

That’s a very stupid thing to do brother. Darwin is pleased

Mkamba Mjinga illiterate you always scrape for bottom of the barrel trash

My policy is simple:

Eat who you like and is available@the time. No rape, No begging. No strings attached. I’m married.

Baadaye back to default: Kila mtu arudi kwao.