hii tuliona wakati chelsea ilikuwa amateur club
Mimi sikuona
I am sure you have already applied the theory and made your first billion!
pole mkuu
Hizi makaratasi au pdf biz plans unauza hapa hakuna mtu ananunua…tembeza rifa rori.
Aviator tulia
ujinga. do you know how much it will cost you to supply 12 million people with salt? you need 60 ferking million, kununua io salt ya kobole for 12m people, na trucks za kutransport. do will die poor reading these motivational quotes, and sharing these funny ideas. enda ajiriwa, sensi!
Very funny. Ati supply salt,a packet a month,to 12 million Kenyans.
Nigga,do you know how long a half kilo of salt lasts in a household?
lakini try not to use the n word.
:D:D:D Lol, I think its bought once a year in my house.
plus you cunt supply salt to 12M people if you aint the manufacturer coz that’s a quarter of Kenya
Do you how the n word is used in Ktalk?
in theory… sasa tuambie how to convince UN itupee printing contract
Wacha chuki na team yangu nani:D
Here comes the village pessimist. I knew you would not miss here