Alipewa kazi ya ku sort the above sectors. What is the progress report 1yr later?
Ata sort nini na machungu na chuki kamjaa? Naskia eti wakulima wa chai hawakupata kitu huu mwezi…
He is concentrating on the past instead of focusing on the future.
Yaani this guy used to be a PA to UK…the fallout must have been massive.
It was the equivalent of an earthquake. Why do you think Uhunye sent those Subaru chaps to Kachagua’s den. The ones he claimed dragged him out of bed in his swim suit? If those two were given gloves to duke it out, hata Mike Tyson would marvel at the punches.
Ni kama gachieth alikamuliwa na hao special forces. Kama sio hivyo aliingizwa MTU ya jembe Kwa kinyambis. Hio machungu ina weza fanya githeri iive. [SIZE=1]No homo am straight like a ruler.[/SIZE]
Uhunye should rue the year 2032 when Igathe starts his plisidensy. Zile machungu amabeba, Igathe will definitely revisit the issue. Northlands was just a warmup
At the end, he’s not like you.