God of the mountain and God of the rivers,
God of of the plateau and God of the savannah,
I raise my eyes to you and thank you, Eternal Spirit of my people.
Thank you for the rain and thank you for the grass.
Thank you for the birds that sing in the morning, and those that fly above.
Thank you for the dew, and the evening breeze.
Thank you for the laughter of our children, and the joys of our wives.
God of the mountain and God of the rivers.
God of the brave lion and God of the gentle antelope,
Hold gently those that have come to you before us.
Light them a fire at your feet, and quench their thirsts with holy muratina.
Let them sleep where the rain falls softly and the earth is light.
Let them never forget us, we who follow behind.
Hear their intercessions, and forgive their trespasses.
God of the mountain and God of the rivers,
God of the Mugumo and God of the sacred sacrifice,
We lift our hands and pray for our family and friends.
We pray for good health and strength of body.
We pray for your kindness and forgiveness.
We pray for our fields and our flocks.
We pray that at our hour of rest you enjoin us with yourself.
Thaaaaaaaaaaaai thathaiya Ngai thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai!