hapa mi naona tumeenjoyiwa. hata kama ni siasa, aiiii!

Ati Kiambu meno brown. Flourosis in Kiambu?! I have swam and drank water from Bathi river and others in Kiambu na sijapata wala kuona meno shokorate. Flourosis happens in the rift valley, naivasha nakuru, njoro etc. @Nattydread, @FieldMarshal CouchP etc kujeni hata iama mko na meno shokorate msiogope

Wenyeji wa Kiambu wana meno brown, tap water imekuwa ya chumvi kwa miaka Mingo.

Kiambu iko side gani?

From kenol to kinare

Kiambu gani?

Kiambu town and its environs.

Wewe umeishi Kiambu kweli, ama ni habari za kuskia tu…


Miaka 20 and counting.

Na meno zako ni shokoret?

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punguza maswali za umama

So, tuseme wale wengine ni meno brown ispokuwa wewe… Ok…

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Hizo nilikuachia kitamboooooo… chura ya Wenger





Cattle rustling Mzungu style.


maji yenye hu-discolor meno ni ya natural spring au borehole ambayo imepitia rock formations na ku-leach chemicals. ya mto ambayo ni surface runoff au recharge from the aberdare forest haina the offending chems. where i come from in nyandarua (on the western side of the aberdares) the water is salty and gets worse during the dry season when it gets very hard (if you cook white flour uji it turns yellow and soap doesn’t lather but when you bathe it forms a brown scum on the surface of the bath water). The “saltiness” differs even from well to well and that is why you find higher numbers of meno browns in Kijabe and Longonot areas, some parts of Murang’a. The Catholic Diocese of Nakuru had a community outreach program helping communities to purify their drinking water to protect future generations from meno brown i don’t know how far they went…


Naivasha ni mbaya zaidi! Watu wa huko meno yao inakaa wale wala watu kwa movie ya The wrong turn. @old monk hebu cheka kiasi.