Hamjaambia binjwa poa


Wasomali ni wachafu sana. Hata wa huko diaspora wanaogopa hata maji ya kunywa.

Let us think about it for a moment without emotions. What would become of our economy were jungus, Indians and worias to relocate as we like telling them?

In war for the longest na bado GDP ni respectable 5B

Kenya would be a terrorists free haven if one of those you’ve mentioned disappeared. They don’t pay taxes, are in black market retail not manufacturing. Infact their contribution is negative both gross and net

Yako ni emotions tuu.

Whites run multinationals and NGOs. Indians are in textiles, milling, construction, trucking, and much more. How exactly do Somalis contribute to the Kenyan economy besides laundering money and selling cheap electronics?

Aviation, logistics, healthcare, insurance, banking hutawakosa. Besides, most Somalis are bonafide Kenyans. Kuna wale wamepata citizenship kutumia ukora but the numbers ain’t as high as you are made to believe.

somalis do more harm than good, they import even toothpicks and matchbox from China what do you think Will happen to the workers in industrial area. a maasai hawking belts is better than a handkerchief seller in easleigh.

Kila mtu arudi kwao, we want to be ourselves, kila mtu afanye biashara kwao

madem wasomali hawaogi banae , unatomba dem akinuka but una concentrate kumwaga .nikitomba mama ya @Bingwa Scrotum nili experience hii

Low IQ bonobo baki kwa basement takataka .

Yes wewe pia unakula takataka nugu wewe

Hapo hujaambiwa vipoa umeambiwa we ni pleb design kaa hii :smiley:

:D:D Kijiji never disappoints.