propaganda war in full gear, for months ruto soldiers have been bombarding Twitter and Facebook with all manner of tags, now the other side has gone also ballistic, early this week it was ruto wife beater ,leo ni hakuna deni,will the hustler survive? @langatkipro
Nothing new. All these things build Ruto politically. Many people have already made up their minds. The more they continue persecuting him and fighting him the more he will grow stronger and stronger politically each day
He was at the helm in 2017. He has lost significant clout since.
In your wet dreams.
Never underestimate this guy. Uhuru thinks he has malizad him but he is dead wrong.
Uhuru just began taking him down. You will be amazed at the power of money when you don’t have it coming easily any more.
So far Uhuru and Ruto have not directly bad mouthed each other.
Can’t wait for direct matusi between the two criminals to start flowing.
Ruto anze ku suggest bangi iwe inasanifiwa poa inatolewa mbegu, miti na majani zote.
That guy arap Mashamba needs to be cooling his heels in a jail cell.
That guy is dangerous.
Sadly DP Ruto as much he is a looter, the economy has been fucked solely by Uhuru Muigai.Whatever Ruto steals ,Uhuru steals 100% more.