Ann is my personal friend…Ngai, na jokes zetu zote, the warm hugs …niko na kamjengo kamekwama juu ya 3m na alikuwa 60m???I have just seen this, siwezi Amini haki, she has a shop in Naivasha town where she sells Ex-Germany assorted Goods…Ngai…[ATTACH=full]172130[/ATTACH]
looks like she used half the loot on jik and eye pencil
Anakaa horror alafu unasema warm hug?
Looks like a good dish to be savoured
Personal friend you say?
Yaani that was her actual pic??? I just assumed someone posted one of those random “picture not necessarily of the suspect” photos.
LOL…Kwani you are entitled to the money crybaby? You are one of those friends with a big ego that no one needs
A scene from Memoirs of a Personal Friend.
Wonderful: Ann, undu Wambere, ndeithia na Ngirita ithatu ugwo.
Ann: Aca ndire na kindu ona ki.
Lakin angekuja APA kama Malaya usingetaka kua associate na yeye…MEffi
Okey. Your weed is on pointt
She has a uncannily appearance to a waitress I know. If its not here then its her sister.
all those saying the B is “not there” are just jealous she got 60MIL without a struggle
Will Germany extradite her to Kenya? Sioni
Them eyebrows are muuurrrrrder…huyu unakula mkia, rubber ile ya shule unatoa eyebrows alafu unatupa nje ya mansion.
And who said she got to keep the 60m? Me thinks it’s the mum,who by the way is/was a supplier at NYS who used her name to diversify the companies that are awarded the tenders so that it doesn’t look too obvious and to help in procuring by either lowering or quoting a higher figure in IFMIS. The REAL sharks who got most of that money are the officers at NYS prucurement. Don’t be surprised that the mum got a very paltry sum for “helping” launder that money in exchange for guaranteed future tenders.
Kama @Jirani hamjui then sio wa Gernany…
Heri wewe ka mjengo kako kanataka 3M me natafuta fare ya 30bob kuenda job ya mjengo kesho.