hahahaha huyu atafungwa kweli ama itakuwa vifunga machi as usual?

Wote ni wezi hawa watu. Hapa ndio atawika, “mnataka nifanye nini? Mnataka afungwe kiaje na ni family yangu?!”

[SIZE=7]How President Uhuru Kenyatta’s uncle Gathecha Muhoho got Sh68 million from NYS deal[/SIZE]
News By Moses Michira 2 hours ago
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https://www.sde.co.ke/sdemedia/sdeimages/wednesday/izcvgr1du2o0wh3bw5b20bf60e524e.jpgGor Semelang’o
A close relative of President Uhuru Kenyatta was among suppliers who were paid millions of shillings by National Youth Service (NYS).
Paul Gathecha Muhoho company, Petrokenya Oil Company Limited, made Sh68 million this year for supplying diesel to NYS.

The tender to supply the fuel had been awarded Horizon Limited owned by Ben Gethi, one of those mentioned adversely in the firstNYS scandal.
Horizon then contracted Petrokenya to supply the diesel, but following the delivery, a legal tussle erupted over payment.
Petrokenya was eventually paid Sh68 million following the protracted court battle which led to attachment of Horizon Limited’s property.
Mr Gathecha is Mama Ngina Kenyatta, the President’s mother’s younger brother. He is the father to former Kiambu legislator Anne Nyokabi Gathecha.
His co-director at Petrokenya is businessman Evans Gor Semelang’o, a former chairman of the Youth Fund.
Mr Semelango controls 53 per cent of the company while Mr Gathecha holds 47 per cent.
Documents indicate the supplied order was for 500,000 litres, translating to Sh104.4 per litre.
Bernard Masiga, a senior finance director in the Ministry of Public Service and Youth Affairs, approved the payment in an internal memo to his boss, Principal Secretary Lillian Mbogo-Omollo.
Read more of this here on President Uhuru relative got millions from NYS diesel deal

Kama kufunga big fish hajuani nao ni shida, there is no way atafunga relatives.

[SIZE=7]More from yesterday’s article:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=7]President Uhuru relative got millions from NYS diesel deal[/SIZE]
By Moses Michira
Published: Jun 12th 2018 at 22:41, Updated: June 13th 2018 at 09:01

https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/images/tuesday/bmvmolczeng0qbydc5b2021e6b9718.jpgBusinessman Evans Gor Semelang’o. [Photo: Standard]
A close relative of President Uhuru Kenyatta was among suppliers who were paid millions of shillings by National Youth Service (NYS).

Paul Gathecha Muhoho company, Petrokenya Oil Company Limited, made Sh68 million this year for supplying diesel to NYS.

The tender to supply the fuel had been awarded Horizon Limited owned by Ben Gethi, one of those mentioned adversely in the first NYS scandal.

Horizon then contracted Petrokenya to supply the diesel, but following the delivery, a legal tussle erupted over payment.

Petrokenya was eventually paid Sh68 million following the protracted court battle which led to attachment of Horizon Limited’s property.

Mr Gathecha is Mama Ngina Kenyatta, the President’s mother’s younger brother. He is the father to former Kiambu legislator Anne Nyokabi Gathecha.

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His co-director at Petrokenya is businessman Evans Gor Semelang’o, a former chairman of the Youth Fund.

Mr Semelango controls 53 per cent of the company while Mr Gathecha holds 47 per cent.

Documents indicate the supplied order was for 500,000 litres, translating to Sh104.4 per litre.

Bernard Masiga, a senior finance director in the Ministry of Public Service and Youth Affairs, approved the payment in an internal memo to his boss, Principal Secretary Lillian Mbogo-Omollo.

“Forwarded herein are Non-AGPO payment vouchers from the Department of National Youth Service that have been verified and recommended for further processing and subsequent internet banking,” he wrote in the memo dated January 26, 2018.

AGPO is an acronym for Access Government Procurement Opportunities, an affirmative action giving preferential treatment to enterprises owned by youth and women.

Mbogo-Omollo and Masiga are among dozens of officials and businessmen currently facing various charges related to alleged loss of Sh468 million at NYS.

However, there is nothing to suggest that the payments to Petrokenya are improper.

Mr Semelang’o yesterday told The Standard that the firm he co-owns with Gathecha was an innocent petroleum importer that supplied to Horizon Limited.

“I delivered the fuel to NYS in the tender awarded to Gethi’s Horizon Ltd, but we did not know he would be unable to pay for it,” he said.

Under the arrangement, according to the businessman, fuel was delivered directly to NYS storage facilities.

“Once I get the order, the buyer asks me where they want the fuel delivered and I take it there,” Semelango said.

Petrokenya sued Horizon for failure to pay for the diesel, before getting orders to attach any of its assets – including the outstanding payment from NYS.

It would mark the beginning of a long legal battle that was unlocked when counsel from the then Attorney General Githu Muigai’s office advised NYS to pay Petrokenya directly.

“In view of the above, NYS is advised to promptly settle the debt to avoid further escalation of costs and by consent of the parties the matter be marked as settled,” Deputy Chief State Counsel Charles Mutinda wrote on behalf of the AG.

Proximity to power

Petrokenya had been awarded the payment plus annual interest of 27 per cent, payable by Horizon or the disposal of its assets.

Ms Mbogo-Omollo had sought a legal opinion on whether to honour the payment vouchers since the firm contracted by NYS was Horizon, and not Petrokenya Oil.

“Upon obtaining a decree on the 20th April 2017 for Sh52,200,000 together with interest, the Plaintiff (Petrokenya Oil) as decree-holder has applied for a garnishee order against NYS…seeking to attach funds held by the NYS on account of the debt owed to the Defendant (Horizon Ltd) to satisfy judgment decree and costs,” Mutinda’s legal opinion read further.

We were unable to reach Gathecha for comment. But Mr Semelango said his co-director’s proximity to power has not helped him get any business.

uhuru relative
uhuru kin
nys deal

Interesting.Anyway @admin @Deorro hebu wacheni discriminisheni.Hizi uzi za wantazia ziwekwe kwa all threads.Pia sisi tuweze kuziona.

If you get the list of all suppliers at NYS since 2013 you’ll be surprised . Most of these folks do legit business with NYS.
Its not a crime doing business with NYS, wacha githeri media iendelee na propaganda. Wanataka kuleta pres uhurus relatives for mileage tu.
Get the facts

Simtetei, but kama alipewa tender na ku-supply Diesel shida iko?

Unless he got paid and did not deliver, we cannot assume everyone who did business with NYS is a scam.

swali ni did he supply what was contracted? Was Ksh. 104 per liter a reasonable price for the fuel?

So what do you want us do?


We are several light years from that kind of justice. I too wouldn’t allow the imprisonment of my kin if they did a non-violent offense.
The day when a president will look the other way as his/her relatives go to prison is coming, but neither our children nor their children will be alive to see the day. Issa harsh reality.

And in other news, Lillian Omollo is apparently wife to the son of Oneko freedom fighter. The Oneko’s and Kenyatta’s are buddies. Lillian’s brother in law also spent some time in jail over corruption in a tourism corporation a few years ago. According to Cyprian Nyakundi, both Lillian’s and her husband’s bank accounts at equity have been frozen… many many days after the duo have cleared the looted monies.

Apparently Lillian Omollo was at KNH private wing because she’s 3 weeks pregnant with a baby looter on the way.

Cyprian, Is Nyakundi retweetedhttps://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/998550969607643136/ddkfa8tf_normal.jpgCyprian, Is Nyakundi

Lillian Omollo is hospitalized at KNH private wing because she is three weeks pregnant.pic.twitter.com/b173BLAmpS
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Cyprian, Is Nyakundi retweetedhttps://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1002527587644706816/H33VLkEx_normal.jpgRobert Syundu

The Ngiritas laundered their NYS money through@KCBGroup . The accounts have also been frozen as Asset Recovery Agency tries to recover the money. KCB says they flagged and reported the transactions but @njorogep refused to act #NYSprosecution
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Cyprian, Is Nyakundi

The account of Lillian Omollo’s husband Dick Oruko Oneko, son of former nationalist Ramogi Achieng’ Oneko, at Equity Bank frozen over NYS money laundering pic.twitter.com/uAUZbaKh12
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Cyprian, Is Nyakundi

Former Kiss 100 presenter Angela Angwenyi’s bank accounts frozen over NYS money laundering. She was also involved in NYS season 1 scandal after receiving 300 Million Illegally pic.twitter.com/MwU2eHsBMJ
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Cyprian, Is Nyakundi

Breaking: Three accounts belonging to Ms Omollo, one at @KCBGroup and two at @KeEquityBank frozen over NYS money laundering.
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Cyprian, Is Nyakundi retweetedhttps://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/996755516025171968/3wQJ4Phx_normal.jpgPLO Lumumba fan

Jeremy Awori -@Barclays_Kenya managing director. Lilian Makasembo- Barclays Ruaraka branch manager. The question is, Why are these people still free even after a clear NYS money laundering?Are they being protected? @ODPP_KE @DCI_Kenya #BarclaysInFraud
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Kijana ya Oneko ndio hio. Mzee ya Lillian Omollo. Karibu kuzaliwa looter ingine 9 months from now. Wife Lillian is standing next to him and next to Ruto and Mr. President hehehehehehegehehehe…

Me too. I don’t see where the fraud is. Ama is a fishing expedition?

Wacha wakae kivyao for now…

What is the crime here, i only see business. With due respect, we should not do witch hunting. It shows the legit biz, if anything, Ben Gethi is the one who had direct contact with NYS

I said recently that officer pamba and his buddies were protecting Lillian from being disturbed by the media and not protecting her from escaping.
Hakuna fight against corruption ni upuzi tu. I can bet that that that Oneko fellow has known his buddy Uhunye for years. I can also bet Lillian Omollo is related to Kamwana. Take it to the bank. Lillian Muthoni Wanja Omollo is a Kenyatta.

Huyo Semelango pia ni Uncle ya Uhuru Keniarra? :D:D:D:D:D

Ben Gethi was in NYS I, and he got roasted properly, his assets and those of the Mum and sister were frozen.
I highly doubt if he had any juice remaining to be back in NYS II.
I highly suspect this is a plot to loop Uhuru family, and steal steam from the war on corruption.
Hii lazima imetoka Rift Valley, it smells like fermented milk.

It looks like witch hunt.

kidogo kiogo uskie, Betty kyalo ako ndani ya scandal…

na hizo ndio maswali wakikuyu wataanza kwuuliza ikiguza mkubwa. kidogo kidogo kesi zisambaratike zote. Na zishaanza tayari:

Robert Syundu
All the 57 files received from EACC were returned on Monday after they failed to impress Odpp Noordin Haji. He has asked EACC to carry out serious investigations and fill the gaps https://twitter.com/RobertSyundu/status/1006818974754107393/photo/1




Hiyo picha ya Uhunye jo ,Hehehehe