There’re lot’s of holes in this story, like, when stashing money abroad, do you do it in KSH or in USD ?
This is a nice plot. Atafute kazi Hollywood sasa
very nice read lakini what do you think the wafuasi wa tin god watafanya once they’re accosted with this info, it’s almost sad to predict, @spear alienda wapi atuletee comeback
Usually it’s either in USD or Euros or Pounds or any other strong currency. Ksh is useless in the world stage and therefore they need a stable currency like the USD. Btw money laundering is an easy task. For Kes 10M ($100,000) you can buy a passport from this small island nations ndio kukiwaka unaeza hepa. The good thing is that, this small island nations have very strong passports that allow you to enter most big countries in Europe and US visa free. So ukiiba Kes 100B kutoka kwa gava, you can spend your perambulating Yurop ama upotelee in a discrete island in the Atlantic Ocean. Pesa ni tamu tena sana.
Looks too detailed to be a fabrication.
The figures being quoted here are astounding. It even mentions somewhere a figure of 55 billion.
To put that into context, that is enough money to finance almost the entire Nairobi express way project which will cost 67 billion.
This is a project that we will spend the next 27 years paying the Chinese investor. Which begs the question, why go for a Chinese investor while some of our own people are swimming in multiple billions?
The game of selling fear has started, ruto can’t win if he doesn’t do the same, bottom up economics won’t Trump people’s fear, anafaa atafte kitu ashtue watu nayo about raila’s presidency. Fear is what decides votes sio kudanganya watu na wheelbarrow na nduthi.
Makes sense
People are thinking some of us are hating on Ruto when we say, out of the major pres candidates … this mofo should not even be near the presidency.
The fucker is vengeful and hides in religion, not to forget he is selfishly corrupt and to make it worse, he is extremely mediocre and surrounds himself with such.
tell me one thing good in Ruto that can counter-balance this.