haa... as Mark from new zealand, a craigslist girl was auctioning to me her virginity for 1.5m ....y

Sometimes i snoop @craigslist and there are some serious issues there. Someni

[li]Mark Robbins [email protected][/li]To:[email protected]
Dec 31, 2017 at 4:05 PM
Hi there,

How are you?

I am Mark originally from New Zealand though I have been in Kenya for the last 1.5 years, running some business in real estate and transport.

I am 32 , 6’1 and decent.

I wouldn’t mind your precious gift but problem is—I do not know what you want. Let me be honest- I can gift you a maximum of KES 1.5 million(for 3 days) based on my current financial status provided this is kept discreet,

Let me know what you think,



[li]craigslist 6442432930 [email protected][/li]To:[email protected]
Dec 31, 2017 at 4:41 PM
Hey there …
This will be kept discreet …I also want it that way . My virginity is so precious to me but why not give it up to someone who actually sees it’s value …
Did you mean each day for 1.5million for 3 days or 3days for 1.5 million am slightly confused .

On Dec 31, 2017 4:09 PM, “Mark Robbins” <[email protected]> wrote:


Firwa tu



Psychologist atupatie psych. profile ya wasee huenda kwa hizi sites pretending to be rich mzungus to get a kick when hoes throw themselves at them


Wanaitwa idlers

Kuna boy wangu aliunda ya Tinder hivyo for fun na akaangukia Miss some county wawili who were selling their puthy. Hapo ndipo nilijua hizi beuty peagents ni meffi tu with no benefits to the winners

Effidens ata kama ni picha ya governor wa hio county

noma sana

chieth meru

manyake…all sizes.

…juala…ndio unahitaji.

DFHKMBL mwenye ako right