[SIZE=5]Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.[/SIZE]
I bet the guy kicking him never saw high school.
Fvck around,find out
African americans hua wananishangaza. How the hell do you try to fight with your pants near your knees. Huoni kama unaeza tegwa. Anyway White man hakuwanunua because of brains.
Nice blacked out Jeep.
Jamaa amekufa bado anagongwa teke
How does he think he will get away after robbing thugs on a street corner. People shooting Dice on the corner are usually thugs.
Niggas niggin
With the quickness
They wuz kangz @LuandaMagere
Ghetto culture is the thing holding back these black Americans
Ai, hata kama ni kumurder mtu, mateke ni za nini sasa.
Mans needed to roll with Omar ajue kurob in the hood. Ninja Must have not watched the wire.
Idiots are always around, and at least we can just have a good laugh at them in cases like this.
Man, some people just don’t think. Trying to rob a dice game on the street is asking for trouble. I used to hang out with friends who’d roll dice for fun, but honestly, I stick to online stuff now. Found this site, https://dice.onl/ , where you can roll any kind of dice you want. It’s chill, no drama, and perfect for games like D&D or just messing around.