Ati money maker
Wapi pampers?
Zimemwagwa ndani ya croxkin birkin.
As the first MGTOW I have the original pure blood. Just like Elijah Mickelson I can confirm this offshoots have a hybrid feel to them. MGTOW has no leader, just Men Going Their Own Way. Alpha and Beta obsessions is for minions.
Great drawing @Makonika
:D:D:D uko na uyinga mchamaa
boss,would like me to fix the Bald shaitan?
hii kunyi umeuza na nguvu sana tangu jana. kwanini imekataa kununuliwa
heeh yaani aliomba costume ya Tarantinoh?
@Tarantinoh huvaa hiyo costume siku za kudeworm marabou stork.
Guok x2:D:D:D