You use to be reasonable I don’t know what happened to you.
To be frank I couldn’t tell the difference between K24 and citizen. When I saw it on TV I thought they were back on until the very end of news.
On point.
Ooh yes
Spoken like one Rowan Pope. The Republic is important than any one man.
If your words are as wisdom filled as you think, mbona your kamwana is a coward, let’s stop monkey games arrest raila kama ajo na balls which I know hana. For now aendelee kunywa Murat’s .You will thank me later
Na BTW kukiharibika, you can’t even trust your Kale’s brother to save your asses, it will be Kenyans against you
100% agree with you guka. Kenya surely needs a deep clean of the media and civil society. The kind of rhetoric they spew will not be tolerated in any modern society. Not even in our traditional African society.
If this is the kind of thinking we have then we got a long way to go.
I do not support media blackout!
True words, responsibilities must reign
This is stupid. I stay in Gatundu and I see most people condemning the shutdown but supporting it when asked in public. Watu wanaumia kindani
Thanks for the correction kweli ni amutharime.
Gatundu wapi?
we have been there before, it is nothing new
Correct but i have always wondered why they say it thay way.
I am with you on this. There is no NEWS anymore, just political shit.
Nothing more to add. UhuruRuto tolerated so much crap just to avoid bloodshed but about time they showed their metal. Kenyans are vv resilient and just want to earn a living.
No it should not. Guka you are old enough to know that you should not use a hammer to kill a mosquito that latches on to your testicles. Actually, the so-called crackdown may achieve unintended consequences. If the government continues on this path, then I fear for Ruto. So near yet so far. The same situation wazimu mkuu has been. :::::
History lessons for Ruto: wazimu mkuu was put in charge of mau rehabilitation. Of course it was a noble cause but fought using the wrong tactics. He was given a rope and he hang himself using it. The repercussions are evident to date.
He might not be in charge, but all it will take will be reminding the voters of how dictatorial the man is.
I think you are also old enough to have read the history of fascism in Italy and Germany. A few nut jobs sold the nationalism fad and the masses fell for it. Worse crimes were committed in the name of nationalism. Those who dared to raise a finger were termed enemies of progress.
The media is a non-issue.