Guka Needs a Quickie in the CBD, Niwapi?

OK, sori, I just wanted you to log here, and I know that nothing here sells better than seks.

Any way, I wanted to engage serious investors/businessmen in the money markets. Here goes:

I have some fair amount of money I would like to invest short-term in the financial markets, with the hope that a bull market will materialise from early next year after the erectionations. I plan to exit around May/June next year, and I am looking at capital returns of anywhere above 10 per cent.

So, working with Sh100 as the basic capital to make things easier, where would you invest (shares, bonds, whatever). Remember: short-term!

Please give short explanamacations to your breakdown.

(PS: This is a vote of confidence in many of you. I’ve seen brilliance here)

(PSS: @Deorro don’t move this to business just yet. Give it a day or two).

Buy Shares after elections, I believe the shares price will be low, then sell after things have settled down.

That’s exactly what he’s said in his post. Anauliza WHICH shares.


At your age guka!!! Cunoka muno, alafu ujethe ungurire nguku ya Japanese spices niuronekana winatubeca

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Have you read the post??


Check this out.

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There’s that Stima Investment Sacco Ltd that is advertising a 23% return per annum investment. Jaribu utuchanue.

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[li]diversified their interests across East Africa and The Sub saharan.[/li][li]Their businesses apart from ICT and real estate,include Health,education,agri business ,power ,beverages and i think they own a bank now.(All key businesses)[/li][li]currently trading @ 40.50 and due to the forthcoming elections,share prices are going lower but they will shoot back by next year hence 10 percent is feasible. [/li]
[li]Regardless of whoever will be in power come 9th next month, the above sectors are still going to grow.[/li][/ul]
that’s my honest, layman’s view.


na riu ri wamaitu. niukuhe bad granpa ka bj onakorwa ni ka sloppy one for his efforts


Hau hena key

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I thought pacemakers za siku hizi ziko na quick charge

If you are looking to invest aroound $2.5m short term, I can give 10% in 6 months.

Ngai mamie, kwani umesoma tu headline uka-make judgement? Sma listing yooote pris!

Hiyo kuku unataka wapi? Ciumburane!


He he he he he he! Wacha mchezo. Eti $2,5 mirrions. In dollars.

Who has that kind of money? And what would the collateral be, given an individual can die any time awache mking’ang’ana na estate?

No collateral. Not a loan. The investment is all in your name. You’d be surprised how many liquid individuals we have around.

guaranteed returns labda money markets or govt bonds…money market offer peasant returns if you factor in taxation… jaribu m-akiba bond 10% tax free returns… the only problem is how to beat the daily safaricom mpesa transaction limit to buy the bond if you’ve got lots of mulla.

:D:D:D:D…umeanguka mtihani. Are you related to one Joho?

Tell us more about this. Lakini mambo ya $ uache, lets talk Kshs.

I asked a similar question today. Lakini for me I already know which shares to buy juu that is my forte. My only dilemma is whether to invest before or after the elections.

Ati who has that kinda Money? Boss pesa ya inheritance tuko nayo.

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