Guka is a prophet


I want to assume the prediction is based on full time (90 minutes) minus extras or penalties. So he is a fucking loser who loses cash anytime he tries to bet
Then its better he does not bet. No one should even take betting tips from such because they will lose
Field marshal is no prophet. Whoever thinks he is prophet is just a random fool on the internet

kama mimi, kuna kiskwikwonyo ina insteat nliwahi bet
ujinga ya @FieldMarshal CouchP na @gashwin ni ujeuri mob

Guka is reasonable at times. Huyo mwingine ndiye ng’ombe rigid kabisa

Wharristhis chief?

Am also wondering:D:D
thought i was alone

ushawai skia millionaire ambaye anasema I made my fortunes through gambling? mimi sijawai

Those are terms they use in their illicit trade of pata potea