Grogon ya China

Wana Bugatti

Structurally, hii na BJ1 hakuna tofauti.

Ukifanya hivi Nairobi sii utatomba kinguru kumaliza?

Ata sisi tunajaribu


Those are the kind of thoughts we Africans have while Chinese are thinking…if you take an Audi and convert it into a Bugatti, si you can sell 1000 of them for triple the cost of the original Audi.

Yours is a stupid and unrealistic thought. Reread it.

You’ve decided to give guys a migraine…
On a fine Sunday afternoon?
Mungu anakuona.

Please explain what is stupid and unrealistic.

What Chinkuman is doing is only for hobbyists. Car enthusiasts who want some theill. Try commercialising that and all manner of busybodies will be on your case.

Of all the high tech China has stolen and commercialized, which busybodies are on their case ? Have the busybodies stopped them.

Whatever the case, its really pathetic for you to watch that Audi to Bugatti conversion video and the first thing that comes to your mind is how you can use the resultant Bugatti to fvck all kungurus in nairobi.

If this discussion was taking place face to face, I would have slapped you already.

Nimekuwacha coz apparently, hukuenda group of schools and it shows in your reasoning.

Umeshindwa ku defend your initial idiotic comment about useing the Bugatti to fvck Nairobi kungurus.

Toa findio kabla @T.Vercetti aione aki ya nani. You will never hear the end of it vile chinku ni tapeli na muhuni:D:D:D

Uzuri ya kuwa na mecho chinku,unapiga tig welding bila gogoz:D:D