Greedy Blacks...

Please die!

Wame fanya nini?

Who is more greedy between blacks and whites?

Some tigers are goats. All goats are cows.


I. All cows are goats.

II. Some tigers are cows.
@john ineo

Whites steal “rights”, Blacks steal “tangibles”. Let us use the goat analogy. A black man has a huge farm with many goats. And the White man wants the farm,and the goats. What does he do? Assume a fellow Black man, or an Arab, or an Indian wants the same farm and goats, what do they do?

The White man would act nice and lend the Black man money to “improve” on his farming. He will insist on a written contract. And the contract will be written in such a way that the Black man shall “default” for various reasons. And then, the White man would posses the land and goats “legally”.

How about the Arab? He will kill(Bomb) the Black n fuck the goats! As for the Indian, he is King of pilferage! Nothing is literal over here, just an analogy! But all those are forms of greed!