…" has the government engaged our scientist to try and come up with a vaccine". The scientists are already the Joseph Goebbels within the system! They work for the government, a broke government that has zero budget for research and development. They sing the master’s tune. It takes an outsider like you to nudge them off their stupor! Gov. Alfred Mutua( the reformed Kibaki sycophant) has done his bit. We have advised governments from the outside, and there is proof they are on track! Yes, “government” monetary poverty is a crime, and that is why they(scientists in kenya) rely on Walter Reed, KEMRI, AMREF, Corporates and many more entities to “instruct” as they slober for intellectual satiety; not that Blacks lack the brains!
Suluhiso bado patikana
Alafu kwa nini hesabu ya recovered haitolewi kwa ile ya new cases. The government as usual haituambii the whole story. They know the only way to keep hard headed bonobos home is by hiking up new numbers daily. Corona hainishtui. Effects zake ndio zinasumbua.
Tanzania does not hike her numbers, and they keep none at home. Check their numbers! Compare with Uganda that has total lock down. Refer to Kenya once more…Anyway, there shall be a resurgence once the measures are lifted!
Only a scientist can argue thusly … Kudos !!!
Watoe curfew
Underrated comment!
IMO the opposite is quite true. The only strategy (global) at this point is to reduce rate of infection through social distancing, shut-downs/curfew, and general hygiene. This is the global message. I’m in a different part of the globe, where travel restrictions started weeks before Kenya, but some folks ignored. Current stats are over 21000 infections and 750 deaths, all in about a month and a half! That’s how bad this virus is. Just because Kagwe is not giving all the scientific details doesn’t mean that the research centers are not looking for a cure/vaccine; he’s just giving daily updates just like most other countries across he globe. Covid19 is highly infectious, and more people will get sick and die. There isn’t much else to do (no cure at this point) other that to slow down the infections. I wish he could send a better message, but there isn’t anything else to say at this point. Keep repeating the same script until wananchi understand how grave the situation could get if they don’t follow the directions issued by the govt/WHO.
I think that question was answered on Thursday. They’re only managing the symptoms and any other underlying medical conditions i.e. if someone is diabetic, high blood pressure, cancer etc, the doctors are managing the conditions, but there is no specific treatment for the COVID19 disease.
On the other hand, even if there was specific drugs that they’re giving, do you think it would be wise to say it publicly? Kesho yake hizo dawa zingekuwa zimeisha kwa chemist and everyone would be self-medicating! Hata hawkers wangekuwa wanaziuza kwa mtaa. Some details are better kept secret.
Kenya is a shithole country occupied by shithole human beings. We don’t deserve good leadership. God tested us by giving us a Solomon in the name of Mwai Kibaki in 2002 but we despised him and ganged up with the witchdoctor called @Agwambo to remove him in 2007. We are going to suffer for decades to come until we remove the shit from our brains.
Chifu i respect you.I kindly request that you also show some respect to Agwambo the Enigma.Asante.
No offense. Just a stating of actual facts
There is nothing factual about Kibaki’s wisdom.
Kibaki was a genius
Yes an evil genius.
What evils did he commit? Remember PEV was preplanned by ODM members. PNU was only retaliating since Kyuks wangemalizwa kama tungekaa ndeee.
What evils did he commit? Remember PEV was preplanned by ODM members. PNU was only retaliating since Kyuks wangemalizwa kama tungekaa ndeee.
What evils did he commit? Remember PEV was preplanned by ODM members. PNU was only retaliating since Kyuks wangemalizwa kama tungekaa ndeee.