“Despite being NATIONALLY LIONIZED & WIDELY GLORIFIED, SC Kagwe & his team have for 4 weeks fed Kenyans the same menu of ‘today 4 people tested positive’,” opined Abdullahi.
According to the Grand Mullah, Kagwe and his team would be of more benefit to Kenyans if they focused more on strategies that would help the common citizen in these difficult times, rather than suffocating them with repetitive information regarding recoveries and new infections and fatalities, every single day.
Its true. I havent even heard of any strategy to reduce those infections that are occuring daily.
Grand Mullah has a point there.
However, I believe the ministry has a strategic plan. Its only that his not involved in it. Probally he needed to cut some deal with the ministry but was turned down or something.
Kenyan politicians first ask for "whats in it for me’’ before supporting a project.
So Grand Mullah, my answer to you is this:
It doesn’t take much to impress Kenyans, being the mediocre fuckers that they are. Some have started saying Mutahi Kagwe is “presidential material”, whatever the hell that means. The current occupant of the office doesn’t give it much prestige, he makes it look like any random loser could qualify. Anyway, Kagwe is “presidential material” for merely giving us daily updates on COVID-19. That’s the least that’s expected of the fucking health CS. And you wonder if Kenya will ever rise above its shithole status.
Corona is a novelty to everybody,so kama ako na advice itasaidia no one is gagging him
As a leader of the country uhuru should be saying that he need not hear about that number of daily infections at all. It doesn’t matter whether kagwe has to build a quarantine center in the middle of a desert. It’s the only way to save the country and himself. lakini wapi. Never learns. passive.
Grand Mullah has eyes and he can see(not hear) the strategy coz it is being implemented at all levels. CS Kagwe talks more on events and people (he gives a face to the narrative) coz he knows what it takes to create a buy-in for both Corporate and the population. Strategy talk/statements could be even briefer! Strategy is spoken in boards and exhibited/seen in public, just like law is spoken in courts and is experienced/perceived through practice. Let the Mullahs of this world do the talking if that is all they are good at. He should be giving his opinion on potential fecal transmission of Covid-19 since he uses water and no soap for his butts. How do they cope when water is in short supply? How do they social distance as a family of six dip their fingers on the same bowl of rice, lick their fingers and dip it back on the same common bowl/plate?
this is a base ad hominem kind of argument.
stupid advice …from a big bodied african male (as expected)
How self serving? why would you diminish “fat” to “big bodied”?
Kagwe ni kama chorus ana sing daily… Remember ole lenku pale westgate…
fat is different from big bodied …big bodied is a clear indicator of low IQ …
Advocacy at times mean speaking the same thing over and over!
CS Mutahi Kagwe and Mercy Mwangangi love being in front of the cameras. They wish they could be doing hourly updates.
Are you acting female or are you female?
Instructing police to beat up and arrest people isnt a strategy?
You would know because you feel a certain way about my post
I advocate for BEATING too, yet deep in my heart I only wish there was a better practical way out. I am no politician, so I soothe no ego. The reality is that “we” are decongesting jails. The realty is that most of the law breakers have no money to pay “hefty” fines. The reality is that some of the lawbreakers prefer being taken to jail for free accommodation and food at the expense of the government(tax payer). Uhuru will say don’t beat them up (while he in public), but while in private he chuckles every time the “rungu” lands on a belligerent lawbreaker voter! That is why the beating never ends, coz they deserve it!!
Hapa I agree with grand mullah.
I am wondering has the government engaged our scientist to try and come up with a vaccine ama tunangoja other countries to develop it so that they can come test it on us? This criticism is also extended to African Union and governments!
Also the minister should also tell us what type of medication if any those who have recovered are being given amongst other things si kusimama mbele ya camera kila siku na kusoma statement ni kama wimbo!