Graduate/Starting Salary

What is the starting Salary/ Graduate salary in companies that you work/have worked for?
Equity Bank-45k
Ni hayo kwa sasa


NV keti pale ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->


@Kithikii i’ve seen lawyers under pupilage being paid 10k


hio Deloitte ni Gani?

What the use of asking a question and answering it yourself…narcissism at its best. Ujinga tu

This guy is asking a very good question inaeza help mtu anaanza but wengine you think mko very important. Scumbag na john doe hebu get your heads out of your a**es

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Audit firm hivi. It’s like PWC i think

As a young graduate, amount of starting salary should not worry you. Your interest should be if they are helping in developing your career. Some start with 45k and get stuck with that for the next 7 years. Another starts with 10k but three years down he/she is earning 10 times


What if he will not be lucky enough to be employed by those multinationals?

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Getting it out would take a miracle…but I still maintain that you do ask a question and then it yaself…if it was a discussion and input he wanted he shudda phrased his idea differently. Ujinga tu

It may not help you but it may help others and im sure hajauliza ya multinationals pekee. He was giving the answer he could. There are those asked the salary question and they don’t know what to answer because hawajui the range for a beginner.


like which companies

@Luther12 starting yako ilikuwa ngapi? Nione if naweza change career

Wewe utoe wapi akili ya kusomea udakitari? Endelea kuza matako kwa wamama wazee.

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My first salary after graduating was something worth not mentioning in a respectable village like this.
But it was a lesson I will never forget and take anything for granted.
Remember this words by Colins Powell;[SIZE=4] “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.”
Replace the word dream with good salary[/SIZE]


keti pale-------------------------------------------------> hadi ukuwe mirrionare uwache kutegemea salary

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33k net. Based in Nbi.

Mhindi - 11,000

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My first salo straight from school was less than $500 GROSS!
(and this was at a time when the dollar was nowhere near where it is today, so unaweza jijazia the struggle was real)

Vile umeambiwa hapo juu, dont focus too much on your starting salo as a fresh grad. All you want is in. Once in, bidii yako na ujanja wako ndio itakubeba.

You must be young at heart.