Grace Msalame dodged a bullet Ndichu twins are psychos

Well hell, I always say never marry a divorcee or a baby daddy bcz by the time a married woman or a baby momma is leaving a man,huyo mwanaume ako na serious kasoro. Women are the universal scapegoat and are always blamed and maligned when relationships or marriages end. What people don’t understand is that women value marriage and relationship so much especially when there are kids in the picture so by the time a woman is leaving things must be really bad. You can now see what Grace Msalame and Janet Mbugua have been going through with these psychos, btw the twins are now both divorced. I can’t touch a divorcee with a 10 foot pole bcz if you can’t maintain your marriage with your wife there’s no magic I have to make our relationship work. Plus the best indicator of the future is the past. We rudi kwa Bibi yako uwache umalaya. Apparently before Janet Mbugua, the guy was with Sarah Hassan they lived in Upper Hill and he would beat her mercilessly. Moraa has also left the other twin. Sorry I don’t know their names. All that glitters isn’t gold. Think 17 times before hooking up with divorcees. You will regret it in the end.

Choices have Consequences … :D:D

These fellows will quickly learn the importance of maintaining a good personal brand especially when dealing with donors.
What you do in your private life reflects the values you stand for.

If you can’t marry a baby daddy or a divorcee, then your marriage chances diminish significantly by the age of 30-32. Reason is by 30-34, majority of men fit those two categories. Men rarely marry a older woman. So you still have time. :smiley:

Truwoman, your jungu hunks are divorce masters. It won’t be long before the first of many tear drops trembles on your chocolate cheek

Makena mimi sio divorcé na sina mtoto. Nataka unizalie first born.

Stop wishing me ill. If you are a divorcee my faith does not allow me to be with you bcz you are committing adultery that one doesn’t change if you are blue or black or white or yellow.

Hehe, I’ve never wished you ill, that’s too cheap. Just laying down the facts so you know the grass in the neighbour’s yard only looks greener. What you do with that info is upto you

Marriage is not the be all and end all of life. You can see what women have to put up with to say that they are married. I am actually used to a very peaceful and independent life so if you come into my life to destabilize me I’m sorry. I’d rather die single. I’m not used to stress especially man related stress. So don’t think that I am like you or @Purple who believe that if you don’t get married the world will end. I have rejected marriage proposals even at my age bcz they can see the value I would add to their lives but I can’t see what they would add to mine. So don’t tell me about time or biological call and how getting pg is a necessity. Trust me if this things bug me the way they bother me handsome men including junguz are all over, I could have had like 4 kids with different genes by now. An Italian. An English man. A German. A Belgian. But it’s you who and sugar mummies like @Purple who are bothered by my biological clock. Me I’m planning for my retirement. I’m not thinking about college fees for my kids then tarmaking. Single life has alot of benefits, one is that you are free to live whichever life you choose and you can even relocate anywhere at any time. I’m looking at my options for retirement. I’m not thinking about child care at my age. Btw I have been dating younger men since men my age have baggage from here to Timbuktu yet I don’t pay for dates and I sure as hell have never and will never move ANY man including my relatives into my house EVER. So we shida hapo uliniambia about time. I Ron really care. I’m all about me. Instead focus on where your kids will get jobs after you spend an arm educating them and who will take care of you once they go abroad . I don’t have those troubles myself.

Wewe trumancapote ulikuwa unajifanyanga hapa vile ulikuwa na mzungu mkiendanga road tour, how you had a spare cash of 4m to buy plots huko thika green. Mzungu alipokuacha ndio ulianza hii machungu. You are always trying to hide the fact that no full-blooded african man has ever bothered to borrow your thing. You try to rationalise that fact by projecting that you cant marry a black man. You cant reject that which rejected you first. Black men rejected you first. If you really wanted white men, you could be in their forums, not ktalk

I was just reacting to your statement. Marriage works for some not all, is not my part to tell who to chose. We all have fantasies: In your past life( handle) you were married.

I prefer white meat. Everyone has a right to their preference. You like big breasts or hips that’s your preference. For me I like blue eyes blonde men. Or green or Grey eyes, red head, something blacks don’t have. Black men don’t turn me on as small breastfed women don’t turn you on. I’ve dated blacks mostly but I have only been in love twice in my life so that tells you that they don’t turn me on. Not that I’ve been in love with the white men either but I have an inclination towards them. I bet if I lived abroad I would be married to a white man. Frankly speaking I don’t feel ANYTHING for black men. When I date them I feel like I am with another woman. I feel completely nothing. But white men I’m turned on by them, the way they think, the way they see life, the way when you have a party they want to help clean up afterwards, alot of good things. If I ever have kids I want them to be like them. I just prefer them. I’m happier around them and they are so adventurous and open to new experiences. They take you out on unconventional dates. Like I just love them. Italians kwanza are tons of fun, I love their food, their language, their culture. Everything. Americans also are pretty cool. You can’t force someone to like something they don’t want by telling them how what they like is bad. The heart wants what it wants. And in any demographic there’s good and bad people.

My friend just relax. It’s not a war. Don’t take it so personal. Majority of the men I’ve dated are black bcz most of my time is around blacks and every man I have ever dated wanted to marry me twice I was in love but the 2 died under mysterious circumstances, they were different, I like different, even my friends are the full gamut, I have Somali, Indian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, American and all kinds of friends, maasai, other tribes, like that, so I couldn’t force myself to just accept marriage proposals then later on I do what many do which is cheating and stop having conjugal relations. I don’t want to hurt somebody’s son. Hakuna haja I say yes to your proposal for marriage just so that people can see that I am married and then I end up breaking your heart and making me miserable bcz I am not in love with you. It’s not a matter of rejection, it’s a matter of preference. In campus I used to see that Kenyan men didn’t want our ladies to date foreigners but some ended up getting married to them. So it’s a matter of preference the same way unapenda matako kubwa or big boobs ama rangi ya Thao. I can’t start telling you ati dark skin women rejected you that’s why you are saying that you prefer rangi ya Thao. It’s what you prefer. Sawa? You can not force me to want what I don’t want. I prefer white men. Accept and move on why should it bother you if at all as you say no full blooded African would want me. Then it’s a win win situation. I don’t want them and according to you vice versa. Si that is a problem solved. Please just learn to accept that people want different things in life. Don’t vilify people who are different. I also don’t believe in online dating that’s why I am not in jungu forums and I am here where majority are blacks. Najua hapa I have nothing to loose bcz I am not here to look for a husband. Please don’t insult me for being frank about my preference.

I am not going to reply to your long rant but only want to point out that I have not insulted you

Kwani wewe ni Ihouma, the beautiful and dignified character in the Elechi Amadi novel ‘‘The Concubine’’ whose lovers died mysteriously? The only difference being that Ihuoma was of great beauty and dignity

I hear you, but guess what? What I read from your assumptioms is an innocent kind of "academic’ naivety about people, a bit clouded by limited social interaction. You may have met some Italians on a superficial social level. True, they have something you’d call character, some are funny in a unique sort of way. Their women too. But they are just men and women, only different from most people you may meet on a day to day basis. There are good and rotten people in every race, you just need to know a person, one person, not a race. As for Americans, what I7D’s them is culture, not skin colour. It’s very difficult to define even a “white” American. It’s a country of all kinds of people.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. All the men I have dated were very handsome and they had money and they choose me, so your opinion about my looks is irrelevant since almost sure you are neither handsome nor rich and as a man you have nothing to offer me or any other high value woman. Niitishe picha uwaone uniambia if you can compare. I never mess around with guys who are not handsome what if he rapes me since I don’t give them the cookie and I get pregno with his monkey face child na unajua siezi toa ball bcz of my faith even if it’s conceived by rape. I will be forced to raise a child who looks like a gorilla. No way Jose. Did you see Ihuoma to know how beautiful she was? She only had a muanya/gap. In the community I’m from spaced teeth are not beautiful. Anyway, even if I have spirit husband, you know that they don’t engage just any type of woman, you have to be exceptional. I wish angenikujia na death note I write names of all the people insulting me here, hata nyinyi msonge. Pilipili usioila Sijui yakuwashia nini. Now bcz I said, I don’t want black men and clearly you can see why, you want to insult me, carry on, I will block you and utasahaulika.

I know your face, I know how you look, you were exposed here. Did you finish your PhD about environment?