Governor Sonko impeachment....

Apparently about to kick off before the Senate.


Wacha alambe lolo wakiwa na Waititu

What can we say? If he has failed he has failed, he never was the right choice for Nairobi but again people never learn, do they?

With a light touch, how did they end up there?

Waititu still has support of the MCAs, but statehouse ikiona anafanya upuzi sana itabidi amekanyangishwa frame. Kiambu ni ocha ya uhunye.

Sioni wakitoboa kumtoa! It’s a veeery tall order.

yt2 has grassroot support so those yapping will get nowhere. for reason i will not disclose, i class sonko and kabogo in the loathsome category. but i doubt jubilee will risk nairobi govenorship by impeaching sonko. i believe these are just statehouse cartels barking…with no plans to bite

The kumikumi industry and the zombies it created must be very mad at YT2. He’s not letting them sell that devil’s brew like they used to. BUT I hope he remembers that his job is not limited to fighting alcoholism. His job is to grow the county and improve the lives of the constituents who live there.

sonko is going nowhere.

Waititu is not fighting anything. He’s doing it for PR.

The only point when alcohol was fought sawasawa was when mps led the operation. Many alcoholics sobered up and there were no young men lying around markets coz of kubleki.

Now that wines and spirits points are open, I meet drunkards as early as 9 a.m dead-drunk.

Ameweka MCA’S kwa mfuko…he can’t go