How can a man lie to Police that he was in Nairobi when he knows he was in Migori and his phone was in K’odero forest on the fateful day. This guy shows the IQ of sponsors and why women should never date sponsors.Taxi driver Gombe has exposed the entire plot for a lesser charge of conspiracy to murder.

The women go out with these “sponsors” for money… sio kusaidiwa kuandika thesis

As a sponsor, I take umbrage at your conclusion.

Is this the best source you could find? That guy is so irritating with his melodramatic zero-mediagenic, yelling, phlegm powered delivery.

She cant gerrit

The rate at which men are discussing the pregnancies of women belonging to other men is worrying. Achieni polisi kazi yao

Niliwaambia to never waste time advising young women to avoid sponsors. It will never happen. They need each other. Young women are lazy and want fast money. Old sponsors have the $$ and want pussy fresh off the boat. The younger the better.

Anyone running to Cliff Ombeta knows he is guilty.

Unapata sponsee akisumbua sponsor na maswali za; “hope you love me”, “promise hutawahi nifanyia kama Obaado” etc, chieth maduong"

In those relationships, it is the sponsee with everything to lose. Sponsors only lose financially, mostly pocket change to them. Mtu anaendesha V8 probably makes a million per month, anaspend 10k kulipia 19 year old bedsitter and like 20k on everything else food and drinks, for unlimited unprotected sex. Totally worth it. Meanwhile msichana anawacha shule, mileage inafikishwa Timbuktu, abortions mbili tatu which may or may not affect her future fertility, and probably single motherhood. Akifika 24 sponsor gets new fresh meat and dumps the used goods. Life ya sponsors sio mbaya.

:D:D:D:D Timbuktu niliiskia GHCRE

Hii mjinga ndugu ya @engiti si alikuwa exile… alirudi lini?

There are people who are born naturally dumb. Migori Governor Okoth Obado is one of them. Not only is he dumb, he sorrounds himself with equally dumb poeple. Let’s start at the beginning. Obado involved his close aides Michael Oyamo and Caspal Obiero in the murder of Sharon. That’s the first mistake. An agency relationship can easily be deduced here. They were acting as agents of their boss. Caspal Obiero then makes the second mistake -using his wife’s car (the KCL Toyota Fielder) to abduct Sharon. Who, other than a incurable fool, would use their wife’s vehicle (that can be easily traced by the police) to abduct a woman who is later murdered. Caspal Obiero then makes the third mistake - procuring a third party -Jack Gombe–to drive them to Kodera after the abduction of Sharon. Jack Gombe was not told that he would be involved in the commission of a crime. He had no idea that they would abduct and later kill Sharon Otieno. Okoth Obado the bald man makes the fourth mistake. He hires a taxi to take him from Oyugis all the way to the scene of the crime. He’s introducing another party (another mouth that can talk), the taxi driver. The bald man also makes the fifth, and most fatal, mistake. His phone was on in this rendezvous from Kisii to Kodera Forest. His location settings was also on. Investigators simply traced his movements and asked him one question: what was your phone doing in Kodera Forest? Now, the most important element in this matter is Jack Gombe. He drove the KCL but did not know that he would be implicated in the commission of a crime. It is Jack Gombe who has confessed that Okoth Obado was indeed at the scene of the crime. His confession corroborates the statement provided by the taxi driver. Gombe has apparently signed a deal with the DPP. He will be charged with a lesser crime of conspiracy to commit murder which carries a maximum sentence of 14 years. The rest are accessories to the murder. They are facing life sentences. Obado ofuwo mobete gi piere!

Hawa watu sijui ni brain damage… Another Obado bodyguard arrested

Mr. John Chacha was arrested at a hotel near the Milimani Law Courts. You know you are a fugitive then you hang around Milimani courts? Kweli,birds of a feather flock together!


If you want bright kids have a minimum IQ level for your baby daddy, mtu kama huyu what kind of kids can he give surely??? No wonder he is forcing women to abort left,right and center. Anajua the world doesnt need any more Obados. How sarp does this one look owada???!!! Ladies IQ ni muhimu sana when picking baby daddy, you dont want retards like Obado as your posterity. This is the sarpest tool in the box ndio ameambiwa akae Australia achunge 2.5 Billion ya county huko.

Meanwhile, we would have been talking of a different story had Ndegwa Muhoro been at the helm of DCI. The guy was corrupt to the bone.

By the way pia kuna female sponyos na sio wazee kama Obado,like Vera Sindika and another Migorian Otile Brown, you date her when your videos hit a million views you say she aborted your baby, kumbe you’re a gold digger for fame/popularity like Diamond to Zari.The Otile man is number 1 trending post Vera, hebu check before hata hakuwa top 50.

Huyu Kinoti naskia once saw death coming when he faced a carjacking gang alone in 2005. He spent months in hospital nursing a shattered leg and trying to get out of a coma.

Lete efidense.