Governor Ferdinand battle against alcoholism in Kiambu angers the liquor industry

A good move, another step is building rehabilitation center for the addicts and the sellers.

He probably should have started with timelines i.e. when bars are to open and close and then enforce the age limit…
Actively engage the chiefs in seeking out illicit alcohol dens and charging sellers in court…

@Ice_Cube Hamtakunywa Kamakis

Write your reply…China is not a good example to use when talking about drugs eradication. They used to shoot even drug addicts. I’ve seen old black and white footage of soldiers lining up skinny naked fellows who are so high they can’t kneel down properly na wanapewa risasi za kichwa one after the other. It was more like they massacred them out of the picture. If you saw your relative being shot like that you’d think twice about picking up that opium pipe. chairman mao hakuwa mchezo. Watu walikufa sana in the tens of millions.

Your logic or rather illogic is really wanting.

Niaje unaongea vibaya hivo as if huko kwenyu Nyeri or wherever hakuna alcohol problems? I’m assuming you’re from nyeri since you are the one’s who call others homeguards. Hata nyeri kuna shida kubwa sana ya pombe, governor waititu is doing well to apply himself.

Na kwani yule jamaa mlevi alikuwa anakatwa katwa uso na makende na bibi alikuwa wa wapi?! Let’s not even talk of the place where men are battered by wives… that’s right.

I’m talking about this venerable son of a mau mau: Husband lucky to be alive after panga attack, allegedly by wife | Nation

These are NOT zombies, but OUR gene pool!!

Our leaders lack the wit to deal with issus, sometimes in 2015 Uhuru himself led a crackdown to deal with the menace. He thought he had slayed it, it has reared its ugly head again and Waititu is employing same tactics expecting different results. Its bound to fail, na bado tutakunywa ata mzime stima ama namna gani my frens??

Evil has not power over us until we give it. “Resist the devil and he will flee”!!!

Every one of them is worth rescuing and getting a second chance. The social economic price being paid at the moment is so high. Those who have overcome a problem make much better mentors that those who have not gone through the experience.

Perfectly put.

The brewers are business people, as long as the market is still there wata cheza chini, the battle line should be what you are calling getting them young. the well meaning governor should initiate an awareness program on the pitfalls of alcoholism targeting the young people, this will kill the market for cheap alcohol, as a consequence the manufacturers being businessmen will be forced to diversify to other areas of business.

Get off your effing soapbox and suggest workable solutions. Governments live off the taxes on tobacco and alcohol.

perhaps. I think it could be interesting.

Saving the youngins it’s the only hope he has

If there is a place and situation that calls for personal responsibility it is in making the right choices on what to consume. I drunk chang’aa once and decided this is not my thing and never drunk it ever again.

Ol Kalou is where me father’s people settled so I am technically from there.

The amount of money that has been spent trying to save these drunks year in year out is too much.

History has shown that the death merchants you call businessmen will not hesitate to take deadly shortcuts if they can save a coin. Industrial alcohols for making paint thinners and morgue chemicals are some of the chemicals thrown into the mixing.

Because there is an easy market, create an alternative cheap product (this is not advisable) or alternative market for the offending product (this is a false start) or kill the market for the cheap liquor as I have suggested (none is trying that with commitment but could be the right way forward) that is my argument since other approaches have failed. Its an issue of demand and supply, no one will manufacture what he can’t sell. The supposed merchants of death are looking for that extra coin by all means necessary, their intention may not be to cause death but unfortunately in their line of trade in an attempt to cut costs, the clueless alcoholic ends up becoming collateral damage. I am not advocating for the rogue alcohol manufacturer though but do you have an effective solution?

Write your reply… In Meru recently a man or some men were busted with a very huge alcohol stash in a very big mansion.
The most surprising thing was that most of the booze wasn’t manufactured or adulterated as many would assume but rather most of the booze was expired product. Some bottles dating back to 2001 and other’s to 2007.

Bar owners don’t throw away old booze. an expert on site said those bottles are poisonous. So, ndio unakunywa napoleon brandy original but ili expire 2001.

And mututho said in a recent tv interview that he hasn’t encountered grapes or rather vineyards in Kenya so how can a Kenyan claim to be making brandy locally? How can you claim to seat in a factory somewhere and magically or chemically come up with a brandy or rum without grapes or sugarcane respectively?

Why ask for solutions, what other solutions are you seeking? … come up with some yourself!!!
The Governor has identified the core issue – the solutions are hard-line, they will force a correction of behaviour, not only from the sellers but the law enforcers who are the weak link and perpetuate seller behaviour by accepting bribes.

Approaches have not failed they are sabotaged by bribery.

You can’t end addiction in a community as long as the traffickers and foot sellers have free reign. You must contain or eliminate foremost the foot sellers, they have direct access to the people. They persuade and voluntarily provide the substance to addicts to consume even on debt. Then bully and harass them so they enter into crime to get money to feed the problem. The situation also applies to alcohol in Kiambu.

For one it should be illegal to sell alcohol on credit account. Some of those bar people run debt selling programs, when people receive their wages or \ tea \coffee payment they hand over all the money to them. It has negative effect on families, affecting those who don’t drink. No money for school, shoes, uniform, books, leads to drop-outs, illiteracy, no skills; the young turn to alcohol, drinking eventually becomes an occupation and alcoholism develop very early.

This ought to stop. If you have no money you can’t drink, when you don’t drink you reduce chances of turning alcoholic?

yep the same tactics and they expect them to work. In this greedy environment alcohol is so overpriced and out of reach for the ordinary man. A beer that used to cost 40 shillings a few years ago goes for 230 or more na hakuna ingredient ya maana imeongezwa.
Meanwhile, mtoto wa madam wa keroche anaringia watu tu instagram na rolex na bentley. They live Hollywood lives while their customers can barely afford one bottle of their product.

Two beer companies serve a whole country of 40 million people! Complete sheer and utter greed.

This industry should be liberalized. wamama wa busaa wafunzwe how to clean and bottle their product. Same with muratina and the genuine chang’aa. Watu waache kuuziwa poison. Simple common sense.

This is an industry that can create so many jobs if well regulated but some rich fellows want to make sure no one get’s in, and yet hakuna product mpya wameongeza kwa market since 1965. The same Tusker still comes in the same bottle and still tastes like urine but the cost shoots up every year.