For the last two days majority of the Somali population in Nairobi has migrated in their numbers to South C. Instead of sending military to South C to locate and quarantine this immigrants, they are concentrating on Eastleigh and Pagani side of things and already they mouse has been let out of the bag. What is the Government waiting for? These Somalis are the biggest threat in containing this pandemic because of the crowding inside the houses. If just one person has it in one house upto 50 people either visiting from other houses or new occupants from Eastleigh can get it.
The worst thing with Somalis is their mobility. They move all over especially in CBD. To supply goods to CBD traders now that Eastleigh is closed. To make it worse due to Ramadan their immune system may be compromised for not eating and being well hydrated.
I really don’t know why Kenya government always must wait for public outcry or situation to explode out of control for them to take action. These people are hiding enmasse in very small space and during daytime going to CBD and other areas. South C needs to be on lock down or else all of the Somali to go in mandatory quarantine. Before the situation gets out of hand.
I know currently concentration is on WHO and other Corona related loans but government will be forced to spend more money if they don’t manage these Somalis. At least Joho is managing his waswahilis in Old Town. MOH needs to move with speed on this Somali issue coz even jana post lock down large number of Somalis were still moving in to the area. Meaning they bribed security personnel to let them escape a locked down area.
Let us not forget that our infrastructure is limited even in private facilities if many people get infected, it will not be manageable with our limited resources. Tusipoziba Ufa tutajenga ukuta.