Gov Sonko - Rehabilitation of Railways Bus Terminal

This morning Nairobi County engineers and contractors continued with rehabilitation of roads within the City’s Central Business District and other crucial estate roads.

In the City’s CBD my administration started the recarpeting of roads within the busy Railways Bus Terminal. The construction will also include fixing of the drainage system that was causing flooding during the rainy season.

My county government will also construct 11 more termini within the city to facilitate free flow of traffic and boost our plans of decongesting the city’s CBD.

Give sonko 2 years and then judge

Sasa hao karao hukula hongo kwa round about ya Haile selasie na Moi avenue then allow matatus kubebea hapo causing jam on the road waambiwe waache ujinga

Mat za Ronga are very notorious.

this was long overdue

True, I usually say just 1 good work from Gov Sonko is already better than kidero who did nothing. Donholm roads are done, Kayole roads are ongoing. Railways done. Next up is CBD roads and then lower town. Step by step.

And why the ferk are roads in nairobi downtown never marked…case in point…ronald ngala, racecourse road, tom mboya, haile sellasie ave, landhies rd etc…uone ni kwa nini mzungu anatuitanga venye anatuitanga. SSSSSSMH!

Izo post za stima hazileti shangwe its a disaster waiting to happen …

Noticed yesterday at 5:30 there wasnt much traffic twas flowing well no hawkers n chokosh, roads maintained well akiendelea hivi na amaintain ata atapewa stamp ya approval

ndiyo tujue washamba wakikuja


Kuna jam moja haikosangi…i hear kamukunji cops, council askaris, and those jicho nyanya hawkers have an MOU to hold up traffic on haile sellasie, landhies rd hapo muthurwa ndio wauze ndo wapate ya kulipa ushuru.
(From BS to Race course roundabt to past that OTC/Landhies roundabt takes 1hr 30 minutes - a walking distance of 5mins)

Let’s wait for Mother Nature in the form of Rain then i’ll comment on whether a good job was done or not.
When it comes to public funds it is better not to use them than to misuse them; because in the long run squandering of public funds hurts the tax payer more; especially in an economy where the cost of living keeps rising exponentially.
A good public servant is one who improves the governance structures under them, adheres to applicable laws and regulations and goes ahead to offer services within the confines of those structures and laws.
An illiterate will operate like as if they are running an Indian dukawalla…but what do I know? Sonko is better than Kidero right? The cousins of the devil is better than the devil himself sio? The fact that both are devils is irrelevant sio?

Cicero said, the best advice you can get is from yourself… Ama kitu kama hicho. If you do things so that mzungu asikuite meffi then you’ll be meffi forever.

Hapo Total ya Donni nipabaya causing alot of traffic daily.

this railways road ,i remember tripping in a pothole coming from school in 1989,never thought there was asphalt there,ilikua inakaa tu flat kama zile za murram:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

1989 ulikuwa umeshazaliwa?
Fossil muzee zimejazana hapa saidi.

Which dohnholm roads are you talking about you retard? Have you used dohnholm road kwanza pale near total of late? Acha kutumia akili kama kofia.

Here it is, done April 2018. Dandora was done in March 2018.

Gov Sonko - Construction of New Donholm Road - News & Politics - Kenya Talk


What?! ‘89 tulikua ma’baba’ kwa kalongo