Gov Sonko - New Wakulima Market in Kangundo Road

A visit to New Wakulima Market which is under construction along Kangundo road. Hawkers msiwe na wasiwasi hii market can accommodate more than 3,000 traders.
Once complete, the New Wakulima Market will lodge hawkers who will be relocated from Nairobi’s Central Business District.

Ala!?? Nilikuwa nashangaa nini hio wanajenga hio place…Kumbe! I initially thought ni Kiamaiko inajengwa…

sasa kanjo pia watahamia hii place ama

Sorry for whining groupie, Gov. Sonko is not going to fail. He will embarrass us once in a while but he will do a lot good for the city. I and others will help him fulfill the city rehabilitation.

20 other citizen mall markets will be built across the city to give hawkers and roadside businesses a functional place to earn a living.

Sasa mkokoteni si zitajaa Jogoo na Juja roads rd zikileta viazi and other fresh produce to town?

Now they need to decentralize the transport system and then move Bus station away from CBD. Western buses to terminate Huko Waiyaki way, Eastern huko Mombasa Road…

We shall lobby for a better country untill the day this country becomes what it is supposed to be. If complaining and harassing elected leaders is the avenue we have, then it is the one that we shall use. We pay taxes…that simple fact gives every Kenyan a right to make demands and to threaten non-re election of an incompetent leader. This is an inalienable right.
Sycophancy and sympathy have never facilitated growth or development just the sustenance of an arrogant political elite.

That has been planned for 7 years now. Implementation is the problem. Mombasa road is a challenge since that piece of land earmarked for acquisition is increasing in value every year. There is not public land adjacent to the highway and for a stage it will need to big enough for the entry, exit and modern bus stage. Westlands is easier but some illegal structures have to be demolished. The current stage next to Radisson black is too small for buses, matatus and modern bus stage. Bus station will be simply restructured as a dropping off and pick up point at 5-10 minutes intervals. If the park there, then its constantly filled up. Ngara stage has been reclaimed by demolishing the encroachments. That would serve Thika Road. Another is needed in Pangani and Kenyatta. Globe stage is small and should only serve CBD buses. Problem is that we need people and matatus cooperation since people will take two vehicle to get home and that means an extra 20-30 Bob. Watu watalia na kupiga kelele even if it helps with town congestion.

Why is the bottom floor looks like it’s cramped?

I give credit where it’s due… Good job Mr. Gafana

Floor to floor height ndipo wameanguka, markets should have double volume spaces na at the minimum provided floor to floor height should be 4.5m, hii ni kama 3.3
Trusses look good, but wata need kuweka skylight

bwana @spear hii c ni kasi ya central govt as part of outering road ama?

Kwani muthurwa ili jaa?Kwanza watakataa kuenda huko alafu wapigwe ma tear gas etc.Alafu wakubali kuenda.Anyway kazi mzuri ya jubilee.

Really I will have to confirm that since I thought this is the Kenya Urban Support Program financed by world bank under Nairobi county. The same is been done in Westlands and Dagoretti.

Ilijaa kitambo, kwanza hapo ni cartel ya hawkers. Uncontrolled extensions. Before it can be closed for renovations, other alternative have to be provided.

Boss, si hii soko ni part of the Outer ring road project undertaken by KURA? I read the contractor is building the market as a CSR project. Sonko anaingilia wapi? Furthermore outer ring road started construction before Sonko assumed Governorship.

It isn’t a privilege

Nimeona akitaja sonko nikanyamaza tu

@spear, tafasari tuambie ikiwa watakamilisha market ya Westi, imekaa sana in-progress! In my younger days nilikuwa nimeona vile ningefungua stall hapo…

Both of them will be completed almost at the same time. Sorry construction has been slow but that’s world bank pace. However in repaying the loan their is no room for delay.

Westlands market

Good morning, what a beautiful cold day. Let’s build the country and spread good vibe.