Gov Dr. Alfred Mutua - Inspection of Nthyungululu Dam in Ndalani Ward, Yatta Sub County

Today, I inspected construction works at the massive Nthyungululu Dam in Ndalani Ward, Yatta Sub County.

I was satisfied with the progress made and that the project is on schedule to be completed in the next few months.

The county’s comprehensive water program is on track and I was glad to inform the residents that we have already supplied 10,000 liter water tanks to all primary schools in Machakos.

I emphasized the need for water harvesting during the rainy season as a simple way of ensuring that we boost food production through irrigation as well as have a constant supply of clean drinking water throughout the year.

My government is also committed towards uplifting the economic standards of the people and we will distribute beehives in the near future.

I made several whistle stops tour in the sub county and outlined my development agenda for the county and reiterated my commitment to contest the presidency in 2022 after completing my gubernatorial term.


Governors should be given an extra term to fulfill their mandate. Me thinks the first term was just crap with all those benchmarking shenanigans which surprisingly enough are still going on. (Refer to female MCA who was assaulted -panel beating- in Arusha)

Guys like Mutua and Kivutha and the guy for Kericho are good examples. The moment these guys leave office chances are these counties will go back to dark ages and all the progress erased.

We also do not have a conveyor belt to recycle the good governors.

Being served sugarcane in the now banned plastic bags!

that does not look like secondary packaging, hiyo ni primary packaging

I am not seeing any dam kwa hizi picha.
Reminds me once @vuja de was telling HE DTAM “Mtukutu lais,hawa wamama wote!!!,…Matako yao ni mayi sana…”.

Its still under construction, this visit was to inspect its progress. Even the embarkment is still work in progress. Only when structural work is completed then it can be sealed and allow water to flow into it.

Huyu mjamaa diye king of pr…he does it so well with help of media

Ni kama kupiga picha dame ako na ball na kutag “Me,Wife and Son”.

Better yeye atleast he does something with pr…there are those doing nothing - sitataja mtu

Yes that’s good, at least unaonyesha umejipanga. Wengine wanajua tu kuanza harambee kwa maternity ward AKA saidia serikali and he had 9 months to prepare

mimi nmemuona akistare at some nipples,the 13th pic.

Call it PR, I call it service to the people, their are several tangible visible projects that people will say was done by Gov Dr. Mutua. Wengine hata hiyo PR hakuna, projects hakuna and yet they also have billions of devolved funds.

Huko kwetu akina oparanya,wangamati na otichilo wanachapa job tu bila hizi pr mingi

imagine ukitengeneza mtaro ya kuzuia maji lazima dunia ijue,

Aiiii mbosi weee wapi mayiii !

How about, incorporate electric generating water wheels on regional dams and also rivers

[FONT=georgia][COLOR=rgb(243, 121, 52)]Drop by drop is the water pot filled. Likewise, the wise man, gathering it little by little, fills himself with good.[/FONT] Buddha


county or national govt funded? if county,where does he get the money?

Spear Tafutia mimi kijana liyalist ya Jubilee ya Ukambani kazi kwa serikali ndio tuendelee kujenga nchi pamoja. Karibu nimalizwe wakati ya campaign 2013 na pia nikiimba tano tena. At a katender ya kurudisha shukurani.

County government funding.

BTW niko behind kidogo na matters za home county, which projects has Ottichilo initiated so far?