Good News for Trump Supporters

I have very good news for all the Juvenile Trump Supporters in here:grin: :fire:

The Kenyan population in the United States faces a significant threat of decline following Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 47th President of the United States.

In his inaugural address on Monday, January 21, President Trump reaffirmed his campaign promise to initiate mass deportations, targeting individuals residing in the U.S. without proper documentation.
“We will begin the process of returning millions and millions of criminal aliens back to the places from which they came,” Trump declared.

On his first day in office, Trump pledged to issue nearly 100 executive orders, with 10 focusing on immigration—a cornerstone of his 2024 campaign. Among the most controversial was an order to end birthright citizenship, significantly increasing the number of individuals affected by the absence of U.S. citizenship.

Trump justified these measures by citing national security and the need to prioritize U.S. resources for citizens.
However, the consequences for undocumented communities, including Kenyans, are profound.

Impact on Kenyans in the U.S.

Estimates suggest that at least 30,000 Kenyans living in the U.S. without proper documentation are at risk of deportation.

Many reside in metropolitan areas, making them particularly vulnerable as immigration raids are expected to commence immediately.

The United Nations’ International Migrant Stock 2020 dataset indicates that the U.S. hosts the largest Kenyan migrant population globally, numbering 157,000.

The United Kingdom follows closely with 139,000.


@WasikA anza kufunga virago


A prominent Trump Supporter …

Ati “Blacks For Trump” …!! :joy: :rofl:

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Yes, we are Blacks for Trump. #MAGA

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Bado tuko hai, day number 2 @WasikA and @Ngimanene-Na-matharo. We can still breathe. Still waiting for Trump to take air out of our lungs. And ask us to pay tarrifs to lease.

1460 days to go.

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Hio mtoto wa Malaya anaoperate kisiangi beegee a k.a pungoma

Kenya should do the same to tame all these illegals in this country.

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Si Trump atuulie hii Mbwa yetu

Has he done away with the Green Card program?

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Apple bee arudishwe kayole

Why are you in a foreign country if you do not have proper documentation in the first place

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Hiyo hawezi. It is not withing his powers.

Vila arafanya ni kupunguza quotas from LOW IQ countries such as from Africa and increase High IQ Asian numbers

Wewe mjaluo una kuwanga na ujinga mob, you see to hate Trump with a passion coz he doesn’t support homoBama gay ideologies, Kila saa Trump this n that.
Shughulika na welder wenu man

@Mangele :

You do not have to be an expert on US Law ( …or any other Law …) to see thru the nonsense that Trump is trying to float and ultimately impose in the USA

Birthright Citizenship is a universal , unalienable Right just like Life , Liberty , the Pursuit of Happiness , Freedom of Expression , Freedom of Worship and Freedom of Association.

I keep saying here all the time that all modern Americans ( …with the exception of some First Nation Communities who populated the land via Alaska and Mexico over 11,000 years ago…) are ALL IMMIGRANTS…!!

Understanding this is fundermental to any discussion on this subject

  • the Portuguese and Spanish who passed thru but later settled in the Caribbean , South America , Africa and Asia.
  • the Pilgrim families from Europe who began arriving in 1650 escaping Wars , Famine and Religious Persecutions.
  • the masses of African Slaves who were kidnapped , abused , exploited and killed with 350 years of FREE forced labour.
  • Economic and Political Refugees ( …no different from Donald Trump’s German Brothel owner Grandfather and illegal Immigrant …) all who arrived in circumstances no different from what we see in the Southern US Border today.

Whenever it suited the Economic and Racist interest of the new 1776 US Republic ( …more white people to grab and populate the new land they had just grabbed …) , undocumented immigrants and refugees from mainly Europe were very welcome and even given incentives like Free Land.

None of the US immigrants and Refugees up to around the late 1940’s even needed any form of paperwork or permission to enter the USA
You just arrived at Ellis Island and found your place among communities similar to you , got integrated and moved on with the business of Life.

That is what the Statue of Liberty on Ellis Island , New York , is all about

It was a reception and integration center for the wave of arriving , mainly European , im migrants.

250 years of this unwritten policy is about to undergo massive challenge by Racist Trump and his MAGA outfit

But I can tell you this for free

  • it will take 2/3 of both Houses of the Legistlature and the majority of States to become Law
  • it will face ( . . understandably massive Legal challenges…) at the Supreme Court.
  • it will be highly unpopular since those trying to impose it were themselves ( …and their ancestors…) beneficiaries of the same benefit that they now want to deny others …


Trump himself is on record saying that European Immigrants and Refugees ( …for example Ukraine…) are very welcome.

The reason perhaps , that he wants to expand to Canada and Greenland by force …???

This racist , ill-informed Trump MAGA nonsense will not fly

Watch this Space:rage::hotsprings:

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Watu warudi kwao wajenge kwao. Sio mambo ya kuwachilia kwenu kunaharibika halafu unakimbilia kwa wenyewe. Hata wewe ukizoea sana kukimbilia kwa majirani kwako kukiharibika watakuchoka na watakudharau. Let all those ‘immigrants’ come back to Kenya we deal with Kasongo Kaongo and make Kenya great, just like the way Americans made their country great. Crying over being chased from others’ house is just pure retardness and lazyness.

For the record
The history of Donald Trump’s Grandfather.

Born and raised in Kallstadt , Germany , Friedrich Trumpf , was a military draft dodger ( …like his criminal grandson , Donald Trump …) who arrived as a refugee to the United States in 1885.

In 1891, during the Klondike Gold Rush he moved to the Yukon and made his fortune by operating a Saloon and a thriving Brothel for Miners in Whitehorse.

Donald Trump’s current Wife No:3 and her parents are recent immigrants from Slovenia courtesy of a few millions and influence.

Just so you know:blush::hotsprings:

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Only an IDIOT like Biden would allow such an invasion. Good that Trump has put this madness to a stop.

Migrants take part in a caravan towards the border with the United States in Tapachula, Chiapas State, Mexico, on Dec. 24, 2023.

U.S. officials processed an estimated 300,000 people at the U.S. border with Mexico in December, which would be the highest number ever recorded, according to multiple news organizations.





Coming up soon

Fake news there are more illegal Banianis than Africans in USA and Canada combined.