good news...for ktalk peasants only!!

kwa wale wanatumia footsubishi kama daktari wetu mkuu @Luther12 na wengineo. there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Pia @Tommy Lee Sparta unaeza kwachu hii ukue unasambaza nayo ngwati, ukiskia KFCB wanakuja unagurumisha mbio mbio

Hapa naona reviews sio mbaya sana >>



Is that the Zica from Tata?

ni Bajaj Qute…ime launchiwa juzi kenyan market. Inakaa promising for taxi business esp around town centres esp the fact that iko na capacity ya 4 pass!



sounds interesting but what if natakaa kutransport four of these for questionable reasons si itakuwa dilema kama ile ya kuku fox sumu na mtoto


NO no no. Not this again. It’s either uko juu ya nduthi ama ndani ya gari. Sio vitu hazieleweki.


Bajaj sounds Indian… Maintenance wise Indian machineries huwanga tedious

… i can buy this if financial viable, esp delivery of some of the things na pia for small trips…

Virus, naomba u post the price pls…

Price= A second hand pick-up. It has the power of a motorcycle at 12bhp from a 217 cc engine.
Instead, go for this at 170K.

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usd 2000 ≈kshs230k

Hizi zinapatikana wapi??

I am looking for something close to these[ATTACH=full]30102[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]30104[/ATTACH]

the hell is that.enlighten…

Peasants everywhere!

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They are taking over ktalt. Itabidi uwazoee

Its a tractor on two wheels used for ploughing and sometimes towing a trailer …the driver walks behind it …it’s very popular in Asia

unataka kulimiwa shamba yako :smiley:

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Kingbird mombasa road and many others shops in industrial area.

They have them in industrial area but the mark-up is a bit high. I would rather import a used unit from Japan.