going guerrilla......increasing the heat

Dude, war is evolutionary, and you of all people should know that since you seem to know everything. You think the American military you’re obsessed with still employs Civil War tactics in Iraq or Afghanistan. Granted, it still has a blueprint, but it must adapt to changing environments and tweak its approaches. Doesn’t mean it’s incompetent, but one of the core elements of military strategy is adaptability to terrain, tactics, recon, etc. Pesa inaeza kuwa ilikulwa, but do you know when the KDF “syllabus” for desert warfare was drafted or if it is embracing new methods? Blanket approaches are the bane of any fighting force.

I’m not talking to any new handles created in late 2019 or early 2020.

Kama uliniblock zamani with your real handle I don’t see why you want to sneak a reply my way with your new handle.

Naskia unaitwa General skuizi?

Ama ni General kiguoya?

if i were you i wouldn’t ask him that question , yeye ni homosexual . Utapewa ball wewe jamaa alafu your boyfriend aingie karura forest akuache ukiwa singo father ! …ubaki ukilia lia hapa ati men are dogs

Yani wewe @T.Vercetti hauwezi amini I can stay out of this forum for months?

Nilikuambia uchukue a break from this forum ukakataa. Kuna some time hapo 2017/18 ulichukua a good break and you came back a changed man. But within a few months you had reverted to your normal self. Siku hizi you have become addicted mpaka unafikiria everyone else is like you.

Huyo jamaa hapo juu mwenye unanifananisha naye amesema ataku-block. Well you know NYAMGONDHO WOUD OMBARE HAS NEVER SHIED AWAY FROM A BATTLE!

I have never blocked anyone. And I am always ready to engage in battle with anyone and EVERYONE on this forum. Second, this handle is the MOST FEARED handle on ktalk. I have won ALL battles whether its against you, @Mzee mzima @captain obvious @gashwin or @Bottoms and I have banished many talkers from this forum whether it is @Dennis young or @kah tony. I send shivers down talkers spines when I quote them. Talkers like @kijanamrefu will find time to engage with you but will always run away from the NYAMGONDHO And I will never shy away from fights or display any form of cowardice. That’s the mark of THE NYAMGONDHO.

And don’t you forget I am the brightest talker on this forum and I possess the best memory. So much that other talkers have accused me of being a mod. And I know so much about you. I can take you out any minute and at any time. Don’t you ever forget that.


BTW ulikua ulete dossier yangu what happened?

Hatujakosana for a while. Once that happens you know I will deliver. I have NEVER FAILED. Siku izi naona unatuma salamu which is okay. Lakini when tables turn…things.will go south.



Like the typical Jaluo jeuri jinga, all talk no shit

Psychiatrist, saa unataka ati nisome hii thesis yote???

By the way there is another @ShabbaRanks. Usiibe handle za wenyewe ovyo ovyo.

It’s almost a year now since you started yapping about the dossier. … leta hio dossier kama wewe ni mwanaume. Leta isomwe.

Si juzi I saw you accusing @Mzee mzima of searching Denis Youngs profile on Facebook and then posting it here as ugly?

Guess who gave you that info @patco guess who? And you have a memory of a fly. Inzi wewe it wasn’t even Denis Young. Ask @Mzee mzima akwambie ni nani.

Umbwa hii.

Every attack you have had on Mzee mzima has been reliant on dossiers that I have issued in the past. But mtu ako na akili kama ya Umbu anasahau within seconds. HUMBWER WEWE!

Please, who are these talkers you are mentioning here. These are all beneath me. You are also way beneath me.
In the past I only got compared to Admin and Moderators like Deorro. Hata wewe na huyu Mzee Mzima used to call me Deorro. I usually felt offended but not as much as this.

Who are these fookin talkers you are comparing me. Rags of ktalk, nincompoops, garbage dusters. What has this shabba ranks achieved other than using a washed up name so that you can compare me to him??

Who are these rags??

:D:D:D:D sawa basi leta ingine uangamize hio mbu.

Every insult that has be lobbed against you has its origin from my archives. And you want some more Brown Skin Boy?

You are the biggest asshole I have ever known in any forum. Get a life nigga

Please go get circumcised by termites

Go get circumcised with ant bites

:D:D:D kwani hii nugu ilikufanyia nini?