Going against Azor Azai theorem that if you not a dollar millionaire at 35, you will never get there

Broke at 54, Back set at 55. It’s all about resetting. But you need the skills


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Kwa vumbi his theory applies. If you’re broke at 35, you’ll be broke forever. Kenya doesn’t have any opportunities my nigga. No second chances. Fumble once and you’re done. Life moves too fast.

ukisota at 35 halafu at 38 upee mzungu kinyambisi akukamie utakua millionare



How dare you question the wisdom of all things guru @Gaines , how dare you!!!


Btw kuna kitu hamuelewi. The way we make money changes with every new generation (I’d say every decade). As you get older, it becomes difficult to ramp up on the new ways of making money.


Can you teach a 50 year old Kenyan mzee about crypto, web3, NFTs, AI labeling, online remote tasks etc etc???

Very difficult for them because they only know about real estate and hardwares na biashara za boomers. If they weren’t able to make money 20 years ago when the hot thing for their generation back then was ON, then they’re fucked!

When you’re 40, you’re competing with a 30 year old on ideas that have come up in the recent past so these younger guys have been able to see these trends starting. Wewe you’re last to know in the food chain.

Kama haukukafunga DURING YOUR TIME, nothing short of a miracle will save you.

So if during your time buying land and re-selling it was the hot thing, you better DO IT because the next hot thing is right around the corner and the youngins are the ones who will reap first.

This is not a rule. There are exceptions.

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But maisha ni panda shuka. You can be a dollar millionaire at 35 and bankrupt at 45. Lakini I still believe that if you haven’t achieved some form of success by 35, you are kinda fucked because it signals some underlying inadequacies e.g being lazy, not being a go-getter, being too risk-averse, having a low IQ, being poor at personal finance etc.


Scripted chieth

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Only bei ya pussy is constant according to Lanyenomics chapter 5 act 4 in the Kijiji constitution. Ata referendum haitapendua hii. Ama namna gani

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Azor Mayai you are smelling too many of your farts. You pulling theories out your asss again
Natural aptitude for tech depends on your background. Being young doesn’t necessarily mean ati you will be killing it kama Hauna the right background. That 50 year old engineer will easily blow out any youngin coz they understand the technologies that undeerpin those things you are gloating over here. Ok you know about crypto and nfts but can you code in JavaScript of python? Do you know what programming language Blockchain uses? Understanding things from the perspective of a consumer is very different from that of a producer
Pointing the mouse n clicking at objects on the screen isn’t exactly guru level stuff. Hizo ni vitu any monkey can be taught in a few days but true mastery takes years even decades to achieve

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You are and idiot if you think there aren’t 20 year olds who can code and know all those things…a 50 year old engineer is tired as fuck. They are no longer in that “hunger to innovate” phase. Just look at the current AI/Crypto/Blockchain startups that have been coming up over the years. Young young young founders.

Look at YComnbinator…20 year old guys. There are exceptions of course but a 20 year old engineer with nothing to lose (in tech) has more energy and gut to try out new ideas FAST or FAIL quickly than some 50 year old geezer.

You are an idiot but i’m sure you know that already. Azor Mayai ni @Gaines sio mimi.

This is so misleading I don’t know where to begin
Your premise is wrong from the onset. The ways of creating wealth have never changed since the days of the prosperous merchants of Babylon 6000 years ago. It’s just that so few people understand how that they are always running after mirages ati the “new thing”. That’s why the rich keep getting richer and keep it in the family

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Ooh my bad , y’all grave shift labourers all sound the same I guess ndio am confusing you with @Gaines
How is work over there. Umetokea shift hii masaa ama bado unaelekea McDonald’s for the late night one. Must be crazy cold at this time. Ndio you sound delulu. Kunywa supu ya kuku and keep warm, and get some rest your supervisor wouldn’t like you missing work now


I’m sitting in my high rise building typing from my $5k maxed out Macbook pro. Guess what, I work from home. Guess what, I don’t give two fucks about you.

Majamaa wakenya mnafikirianga ati the only insults you can come up with when you hear someone is abroad ni the same lame ones. Tunawajua nyinyi.

Fanyia muhindi kazi upate 10k yako na ununue pampers in peace usiwachwe na bibi. Mbwa.

If I had a dollar for every “osha nyanye” “enda shift” comment I’d be a multi-billionaire. You can always tell a stupid Kenyan online by how they talk about their diaspora counterparts. Roho chafu everywhere.

kumanina zako hizo

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This is actually common sense. Like super common sense but no. Theories supersede common sense.