If this Thug is our future DP , GOD help us all … :D:D
If this Thug is our future DP , GOD help us all … :D:D
Mwisi sugu.
Gachagwa Tosha
Why is Safaricom exempted from paying taxes?
Hii ujinga tu meffi ya kuku
That is just dumb. So embarrassing!!!
Safari-con should be split into smaller companies. That’s pure logic
And chances are , he will be charged before the Elections come around … :D:D
They took a small portion Rigathi’s interview and quoted it out of context
It’s really a shame for a country to contemplate voting in this half-witted moron as their deputy president. Not even Somalia should elect such an arsehole.
Can you please explain the logic?
Years of Kenyatta’s Impunity and Moi’s Nyayo Error has created National Myopia , an ingrained Culture of Sycophancy and political Indifference towards backward , ethnic chauvanist thieves , dynasties and morons masquerading as National Leaders …
Until the day Voters stop empowering these morons , our stuffering will never end …
We have a plentiful supply of Visionary , Accountable , Committed , Servant Leader material who are ready to serve willingly …
So why do we waste our time with idiots like Rigathi , who’s idea of good governance is inviting Kenyan’s to State House for a meal of Beef and Rice … ???
As Atwoli would say :-
“Shenzi Kabisa” … :D:D
Hehehehe …
Your future thug Deputy President …
Shenzi Kabisa … :D:D
Still waiting for this logic
He was explaining the how little amounts disbursed to the populace in place of a large organization like Safaricom, the video is edited to mislead the viewers.
There is no logic in even contemplating voting for these two Wheelbarrow Bottom-Up Hustlers , Thieves and Conmen …
God help us if they ever end up in Power …
They would make the 24 year Nyayo Error look like a Honeymoon … :D:D
Your explanation is not clear.
Neither is his, for the little time of the video posted he begins by giving an example of a big conglomerate like Saf paying taxes then veers off to saying if a lot of people having the same money…he was building into something but the video is chopped up
One thing’s for sure, when a video is chopped up, there’s some foul play underway. Still, some of the defences of the utterance I’ve read, including those on this thread are mind-numbing.